This may be a bit off-topic, but the story must be told.

Let me recall the whole procedure:

-13.7 I downloaded Retrospect full trial version.

-Installation didn't take more than 3 minutes with no stupid questions
(this may not surprice Mac-users, but with W2K it's not always granted)

-Software worked better (faster) than expected. Very easy to use. No manuals

-Couple of questions to technical support (with wrong e-mail addresse)

-Prompt antwort.

-14.7 I placed my order (price is ok, everything works, what else can I do?)

-Couple of minutes later I received my registration key via mail.

-17.7 (next working day) I found CD and manual in my mail. In other side of
the World. Finland.

Very impressive.

I've seen good service somewhere else, but this was
Absolut hard_to_beat_World_Record.

You cannot imagine, how I enjoyed writing thiese lines.



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