I thought I should share a couple of points coming out of my first month
or so experience of Retrospect.

I initially had a problem with my Yamaha CRW4416S, which was put down to
the firmware. I'm not sure this is the case since I have now been doing
daily backups and a full disk restore without problems. I think the key
was to install the latest version of the Adaptec 2940 driver and the
ASPI stuff that comes with Retrospect.

The real test came yesterday: I had to do a full C:\ restore because I
needed to change this drive from NTFS to FAT. For reasons I don't need
to go into this didn't work with Partition Magic, so I deleted the
partition, and temporarily re-installed NT as in the Retrospect manual.
I found I had to install the Adaptec DirectCD program before Retrospect
would use my CD-R (kept saying that it had no drive letter, though it
did). But once that was done the restore was flawless, and completed
within half an hour. Nice product.

Bearing in mind that my initial problem seems to have sorted itself out
I don't think I will install the beta Yamaha firmware mentioned earlier
this week - I'll wait for the full release.

Ian Piper
1999 Triumph Legend TT - 'A legend in my own lifetime'

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