I run Virtual PC at home and exclude the file from my normal
backups. I have a seperate script that backs up the big Virtual
PC file once a day. It is a Recycle backup that runs everday
since I only care about the most recent changes within this file.
This works for me, it may not for you.

Retrospect is really not the issue here. Virtual PC by design
saves everything into one big file. Anytime you make a change
in the Virtual PC world the big Virtual PC file gets changed
on the Mac side. Since Retrospect looks at the file's size, modifcation
dates, etc. it notices this change and therefore must backup
this file. That is what Retrospect does. To Retrospect, a Virtual
PC file is like any other file. If it has changed in any way
it must be backed up. I'm sure others are in your situation and
may have other ideas as well.

Good luck!


--- Original Message ---
Stefan Jeglinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wrote on 
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 09:37:08 -0400
>Applescript to open file as mounted hard drive before backup
(problem here
>is the shutdown at night - assuming I could figure out how to
write the
>applescript - would this actually work? I am not sure)

I have an Applescript that opens the C Drive as a mounted volume.
script then pulls certain known files out for copying to Zip.
This is 
not really a Retro related answer. Just to let you know that
you can 
do what you suggest with an Applescript. Whether Retro properly
on that mounted PC volume and does incremental backups according
its usual rules is something I do not know.

Stefan Jeglinski

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