> What is the priority of operations?  Does "Writing to any tape that is
> erased or named 1-Backup" mean that Retro looks for erased tapes first, or
> does it seek named tapes first and resort to erased tapes if it can't find
> a named tape?
> Also, why does it treat erased tapes that have been named as simply blank
> tapes that it can assign to any backup set it wants?  I specifically name
> the tapes so it will associate them with the proper backup set, but this
> doesn't seem to matter when Retro runs unattended and loops through my
> autoloader.

I'll give you a few examples to illustrate how Retrospect chooses tapes. In
these scenarios, there are 3 tapes in the loader slots in this order: erased
tape/no name, erased or non-erased tape/pre-named, erased tape/no name.

In these examples, Retrospect is running scripted backup on these tapes in
two loader states: 1) tapes are scanned and known (i.e., tape names are
displayed in Configure -> Devices); 2) tapes are not scanned and are unknown
(i.e., tapes names display "?" or "Unknown").

In both Mac & Windows products, Retrospect will always use the pre-named
tape if it has to search the loader for tape names. This is true whether the
pre-named tape is erased or has Retrospect data on it. If the tape names are
known however, Retrospect will use the pre-named tape if it's got Retrospect
data on it but will use the first or last erased/unnamed tape if the
pre-named tape is erased.

On the Mac, it will almost always have to search all the tapes since memory
of the tape names is not retained after relaunches. On the PC, the magazine
memory feature will remember the last 5-6 tape configurations and search for
the right tape in that order so it should behave like all tapes have been
scanned and known when searching for the right tape.

Retrospect 5.x for Windows
All known tapes w/ non-erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.
All known tapes w/ erased, pre-named tape: Uses the last erased tape found .

Unscanned tapes w/ non-erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.
Unscanned tapes w/ erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.

Retrospect 4.3 for Mac
All known tapes w/ non-erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.
All known tapes w/ erased, pre-named tape: Uses the first erased tape found.

Unscanned tapes w/ non-erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.
Unscanned tapes w/ erased, pre-named tape: Uses the pre-named tape.

Hope that clarifies it a bit.


Dantz Technical Support

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