First the figs: Mac G3, OS 8.5, 160MB RAM, Retrospect 4.3.

I have a large number of MO disks which constitute a group of 
storagesets. 85% of the MO disks are OK, 5% of these MO disks are no 
longer readable, and I have problems mounting the other 10% 
(sometimes they mount, sometimes they don't).

I'm trying to transfer the storageset information on to CR-RW disks, 
using Tools->Copy->Transfer. So far I've succeeded in transferring 
one storageset, and I was able to skip over a damaged MO disk and 
continue with the next.

The problem I'm having is when I come across an MO disk which has 
problems mounting. What tends to happen is that when the Mac tries to 
mount the MO disk, it usually locks up or HardDisk Toolkit (the 
mounting utility) freezes, forcing a restart. When I restart 
Retrospect doesn't recognise the unfinished new CD backup set, so I 
have to start over again. Obviously, this is going to keep occurring, 
with a consequent waste of CDs and time, so I'm looking into ways 
around the problem.

I've looked into the MO mounting problem, and haven't come up with 
anything better than the setup we have (we're using HardDisk Toolkit 
2.5 - we've tried v3 with no joy). I've been unable to update any of 
the drivers on the MO disks. Other mounting utilities are no better. 
We're using a relatively new MO drive, so I don't suspect that. I 
think these MO disks are on their last legs (some go back to 1995).

Is there any other way I can get the info off these MO disks while 
keeping the volume/folder/file structure intact? I guess I could 
perform a retrieve on to a hard drive and back that up, but some of 
these storagesets are way larger than any drives we own. Does anyone 
have any bright ideas, or any experience they'd like to share?


Keith Barker
Keith Barker, Graphic & Web Designer
Printing Services, Brunel University
Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UK
Tel +44 (0)1895 274000 : Fax +44 (0)1895 232806

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