On 6/30/2010 2:34 PM, Christian Hammond wrote:
> You actually can add a user in LDAP who is not in Review Board as a
> reviewer. They won't appear in the autocomplete, but if you type the
> name it will work. Review Board checks the auth backend for any
> unrecognized names that are entered and pulls them down then.
> Going the LDAP route solves the password issue too. How would you
> set/change passwords using the REST method? You're unlikely to get
> password data from redmine (I would expect).

That was the idea behind using OpenID for authentication; then we don't
have to be in the business of storing passwords for any of the webapps
(ReviewBoard is IIRC currently the only one of our webapps that doesn't
support it; MediaWiki, Drupal and Redmine all do).


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