As Christian pointed out, this is more of a process issue.

At my work, we have a similar process. Every developer work on a
branch and checks in code to the branch. At some suitable time the
code is integrated to the mainline. Checkins to the trunk needs
permissions through perforce ACLs.


On May 12, 12:48 am, Christian Hammond <> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Review Board doesn't have any way of preventing code from being checked in.
> As H M said, you'll need a pre-commit hook for this. I think there's one 
> on At some point we may bundle and
> document one, but not until we have a solid concept of policy control in the
> project, and we don't have that today.
> Updating diffs is a manual process, but post-review makes it a lot easier.
> Just one command and your review request is created/updated. Some people
> automate this with a post-commit hook as well, but again, we don't have an
> official one to recommend at this time.
> Christian
> --
> Christian Hammond -
> Review Board -
> VMware, Inc. -
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:03 AM, Chris <> wrote:
> > This discussion was moved from another one that was about windows
> > installs.
> > I was hoping to use review board as such:
> > The main development trunk is stable.
> > We want to add something new, so a developer takes a branch to work in
> > leaving trunk alone.
> > Once the developer is happy with their work then add a review request
> > (this may pass first time or need a few iterations)
> > Once the code gets the ok the developer moves the code from the branch
> > into trunk.
> > My main concerns are the process of adding the diffs is quite manual,
> > can it be automated?
> > Also unless code has been given the OK i dont want it to get into
> > trunk, is this possible? i.e. can we stop people committing to trunk,
> > or is that more something we need to deal with at a people level not
> > an automation level?
> > Cheers,
> > Chris
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