
I am new to Review Board, and I am currently using the *pre-commit review *
I have searched a lot of materials about how to implement *"auto commit to 
git repository with sufficient number of ship it".*

I noticed that this question had already been asked before (with the title 
of "Integrate ReviewBoard with svn auto commit on x number of shipIt").
I know that the ReviewRequestApprovalHook allows me to customize the 
criteria for approving (how many number of ship it is needed for the commit 
to be pushed automatically to he git repository).

However I am having a hard time to find the way to trigger the automatic 
commit action, the previous answer says that "writing an extension or 
making use of web hooks" will solve the problem.
But after searching the documentation of Review Board, I am still confused 
about how to set up a listener to listen to the "Approval flag" and trigger 
the corresponding commit action upon approval.

I will be very grateful if someone is willing to hep me out or give me some 

Thank you very much!

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