To reply, visit https://hellosplat.com/s/beanbag/tickets/4737/

New ticket #4737 by mckownam
For Beanbag, Inc. > Review Board

Status: New
Tags: Priority:Medium, Type:Defect

Adding Gitlab Repository fails with Gitlab 11.x 

# What version are you running?
I have tested this with Reviewboard 3.0.6 - 3.0.8 and it always fails with the 
same error about being incapable of identifying the Gitlab API version that is 
being used by our Gitlab 11.0 CE Server (privately-hosted). 

# What's the URL of the page containing the problem?

# What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Log into Reviewboard as an Admin and go to the Add Repository page
2. Name the repository and set the Hosting Service as "GitLab"
3. Under Account: add new service account with your custom service URL 
(pointing to https://private-CE-gitlabServer.com) with the account username and 
it's API token (token was created with full API privileges within Gitlab)
3. Set the repostiory plan as Group and enter in the gitlab group and 
repository names. 
4. Click the Save button to save the new repository.
5. Instead of saving the repository, server will display an error about being 
unable to determine the Gitlab API version. 

# What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

When pressing the save button, it is expected that Reviewboard will just save 
the repository. 

Instead it throws an error saying that it is unable to determine the Gitlab API 

Error in browser: 
Unknown error when linking the account: Unexpected error "Could not determine 
GitLab API version for "https://private-CE-gitlabServer.com"";. The details of 
the failure are in the Review Board log file.

>From ReviewBoard log file:
2018-09-04 18:24:36,501 - ERROR -  - root - Unexpected error when linking 
GitLab account for [username]: Could not determine GitLab API version for 
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 338, in authorize
 line 1262, in _try_api_versions
GitLabAPIVersionError: Could not determine GitLab API version for 

# What operating system are you using? What browser?
Reviewboard Server is Centos 7 x64 and the browsers tested have been Firefox 
and Chrome. Also the Reviewboard server is running Python 2.7, which is the 
latest supported version of python on Centos 7. 

# Please provide any additional information below.

I have tried to get this to work across several Gitlab servers (our sandbox and 
production servers, both of which are running Gitlab CE 11.0.5), with multiple 
different repositories, and with different users, but the error about being 
unable to determine the GitLab API version is always the same. 


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