Issue 952 in reviewboard: Mirror path support for all scm tools

2009-05-19 Thread codesite-noreply
Updates: Status: NotABug Comment #2 on issue 952 by chipx86: Mirror path support for all scm tools Mirror path is always checked when scanning repositories. Put the one that Review Board can access as the main path, and the

Issue 952 in reviewboard: Mirror path support for all scm tools

2009-03-24 Thread codesite-noreply
Updates: Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Comment #1 on issue 952 by trowbrds: Mirror path support for all scm tools (No comment was entered for this change.) -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner

Issue 952 in reviewboard: Mirror path support for all scm tools

2009-03-12 Thread codesite-noreply
Status: New Owner: Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium New issue 952 by hugues.lismonde: Mirror path support for all scm tools What's the URL of the page this enhancement relates to, if any? /admin/db/scmtools Describe the