Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium

New issue 2995 by Temporary account deactivation (for vacations).

What version are you running?

We're using version 1.7.5.

Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.

We're using ReviewBoard extensively in our 30+ developer team (great tool, by the way :-). When someone goes on vacation leave, we start getting "out of office" notices on every single post/update to a code review.

We have to ask our admin to manually unregister this person from every single group this person has subscribed to and then make sure this person resubscribes when they get back from their leave.

During the summer period, it's quite annoying to do this all the time.

A nice thing to have would be a switch that allows the person leaving (and the admin) to temporarily disable their account such that this process is simplified).

What operating system are you using? What browser?

Not sure it's relevant, but Chrome on Windows 7.

Please provide any additional information below.

Thanks for writing ReviewBoard, it's an awesome tool :-)

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