I came up against this issue myself recently.

Currently Djblets has nothing implemented to import the admin.py files
from extensions.

"<ChipX86> django has a function that scans all admin.py files in
INSTALLED_APPS and imports them, causing registers to happen"

I've started adding something similar to Djblets extensions. I'll let
you know when it's up for review.

On Feb 9, 3:15 pm, Bart Celary <bartlomiej.cel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you tell me what is the proper way of registering ModelAdmin
> classes for extensions. Should I create extra AdminSite instance for
> this purpose or use django.contrib.admin.site? I thought that just
> registering ModelAdmin classes in myext.admin module would be OK but
> it is not picked up by Django. I have added explicit import of admin
> module in urls:
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import include, patterns, url
> from myext.admin import admin
> urlpatterns = patterns('myext.views',
>     url(r'^$', 'dashboard'),
>     (r'^db/', include(admin.site.urls)),
> )
> and although it is working, there's always a list of all applications
> in both myext/db and admin/db but in admin/db the myext application
> urls are not valid. This doesn't look to good... Could you suggest a
> right way of doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bartek

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