We are currently trying to install post-review and after many hours of 
looking at the documentation are at a loss. We want to stop generating our 
diffs manual for the code reviews and this is when we found the post-review 
tool. We are running Review Board on a Linux server and have post-review 
installed. The problem is the configuration. What we have done command wise:

$ post-review --username=SPECIAL_USER --password=PASSWORD 

$ svn propset reviewboard:url http://reviewboard.example.com .

Main questions that I have is that in the svn propset is the 
revewboard.example.com the location of our review board install?

If there is any other information other than what is on the documentation 
that would be great such as how does it really work. does it generate 
reviews on everything when we automate it or only on code that is 

Thank you

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