
I'm trying to set up Review Board version 1.5 rc1 and have some
difficulties getting a CVS repository to work. So far I have:

- created the site with apache (v2.2) and mod_python
- configured a repository as :ext:someu...@mccvs.de.cvs.com:/cvs/pfw/
- copied .shh dir of an authorised user (someuser) to the data folder
and set its ownershitp to apache
- set an environment variable in conf/apache-modpython.conf as  SetEnv
CVS_RSH ssh (this did not help)

Upon clicking save at the add repository page I get the error:

   Unable to authenticate against this repository with the provided
username and password.

I wonder if anyome might have some tips on how to solve this?

Thanks, Tim.

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