
Glad Review Board's working well for you guys!

Right now, there's no way of hooking in triggers for things like setting a
review request as submitted. However, there's a few things we'll be putting
in after 1.0 is released.

1) Extension support. It'll be possible to write third-party extensions that
run as part of Review Board and can respond to various actions, such as
closing a review request.

2) Web hooks. These are an emerging "standard" for doing an HTTP GET/POST to
a URL with some data when an action happens. We'll define a few of these,
probably creating/closing review requests and posting/replying to reviews.

Until either of these are implemented, I'd say write something that scans
recently updated review requests (everything since the last scan, let's say)
for these updates and then update Bugzilla based on any changes there. It
probably wouldn't be too difficult (provided you don't need any custom API,
but if you do and can submit a patch, we'll add it).


Christian Hammond - chip...@chipx86.com
Review Board - http://www.review-board.org
VMware, Inc. - http://www.vmware.com

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:59 PM, roshanpius <roshanpiustho...@gmail.com>wrote:

> We've been using reviewboard in our project for the past 3-4
> months.And we've absolutely loved it !!!
> In fact we want to take it a step further and make it a mandatory
> process before code checkins.
> Our SCM is Perforce and we use Bugzilla to track bugs.
> So we've decided to add a new field in the Bugzilla "Reviewed By"
> which will be part of each code checked in for a bug fix.
> So what i want to do is to somehow update this field automatically in
> Bugzilla from reviewboard once the review request status is changed to
> submitted in reviewbaord.
> Is there a way to do it ?
> I was thinking of running an executable or a script which would fetch
> the reviewers from the reviewrequest table in the reviewboard database
> and then send it over to bugzilla where i'll run a daemon or something
> which will listen for a connection and update the  "Reviewed By"
> field in the corresponding bug number in bugzilla database.
> Is there a simpler way ? If not, can you help me in doing this ?
> First of all is it possible to trigger an executable when the user
> closes the reviewrequest ?
> >

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