Hi Team,

Configured Review board,2.0.6  on Ubuntu 14.0.4

*Ldap settings in details as i did*

Clicked on Authentication from System Settings 

Authentication Method:LDAP

Ldap server:ldap://hostname.mindtree.com:389

Ldap Base Dn:DC=mindtree,DC=com

user Attribute:uid

GivenName Attribute: givenName

Surname Attribute:sn

Full Name Attribute:cn

E-Mail Domain:mindtree.com

E-Mail LDAP Attribute:mail

unchecked Use TLS for Authentication

Custom LDAP User Search Filter:uid=%s

Review Board LDAP Bind Account:serv...@mindtree.com

Review Board LDAP Bind Password:password


Login as a ldap account

Getting an error

Please enter a correct username and password. Note that both fields may be 


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