[GitHub] [spark] amaliujia commented on pull request #40498: [SPARK-42878][CONNECT] The table API in DataFrameReader could also accept options

2023-03-21 Thread via GitHub

amaliujia commented on PR #40498:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/40498#issuecomment-1478228229

   oh are you thinking about golden file based tests?

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[GitHub] [spark] amaliujia commented on pull request #40498: [SPARK-42878][CONNECT] The table API in DataFrameReader could also accept options

2023-03-21 Thread via GitHub

amaliujia commented on PR #40498:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/40498#issuecomment-1478220179

   @hvanhovell existing codebase uses this to verify the options:

 test("SPARK-32844: DataFrameReader.table take the specified options for V1 
relation") {
   withSQLConf(SQLConf.USE_V1_SOURCE_LIST.key -> "parquet") {
 withTable("t") {
   sql("CREATE TABLE t(i int, d double) USING parquet OPTIONS 
('p1'='v1', 'p2'='v2')")
   val df = spark.read.option("P2", "v2").option("p3", "v3").table("t")
   val options = df.queryExecution.analyzed.collectFirst {
 case r: LogicalRelation => 
   assert(options("p2") == "v2")
   assert(options("p3") == "v3")
 However this won't work for Spark Connect. Do you know if we have another 
way to achieve it?

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[GitHub] [spark] amaliujia commented on pull request #40498: [SPARK-42878][CONNECT] The table API in DataFrameReader could also accept options

2023-03-20 Thread via GitHub

amaliujia commented on PR #40498:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/40498#issuecomment-1477332325


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