Happy New Year to all!

We encountered a problem on our Bruker GADDS system in the first-time use
of the new year. The error message said that RC board error: HV values not
sent: HV not enabled (press button). Bruker engineer responded fast and
suggested 1) checking the HV button; 2) powering off and on the detector;
3) shutting down and rebooting the whole system including the computer and
reconnecting the cables including SCSI. I tried all of these, which did not

I cannot think of any reason causing this problem. The instrument was
on standby for two weeks (Christmas break). Perhaps you had a similar
problem in the past. Do yo mind to share your solution? Thank you so much.



Chunhua Tony Hu, Ph.D
X-ray Crystallographer

New York University, Department of Chemistry
357A Brown Building, 29 Washington Place
Phone: 212-998-8769 (office) 212-998-8298 (lab)
Fax: 212-995-4475
Email: chunhua...@nyu.edu
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