Dear all,

The Diffraction at the Nanoscale School 2010 is organized jointly by the
PSI Villigen, AIC and SSCr at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen,
Switzerland, May 24-30, 2010. Read more info and register soon on

Materials at the nanoscale (1-100 nm) constitute a new domain of
materials with great potential for fascinating basic science and
valuable technologies for society.

The purpose of the 2010 Villigen Powder School is to explore the world
of diffraction at the nanoscale during a full intensive week with the
help and the guide of recognized experts in the field.

See you in Villigen,

Radovan Cerny
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone  : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08
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