30th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association, 28.8. -
1.9.2016, Basel, Switzerland

Dear Fellow Crystallographers, dear Biologists, dear Chemists, dear
Physicists, dear Material Scientists, dear Mineralogists and other fellow

A very exciting European Crystallography Meeting, the ECM-30, in Basel is
now open for registration and abstract submission. Profit now from the
early registration fees at
deadline on Wednesday, 20 April 2016!  A SwissFEL visit at PSI will be
organized after the conference.

Please check out our very interdisciplinary programme: you will find for
sure also some microsymposia which deal with your personal research
interests. The two Nobel Prize winners Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Lehn and Prof.
Dr. Ada Yonath will present the plenary talks, and we could win top-level
scientists for the keynote lectures. The program of the microsymposia will
be put together based on your abstract submissions! Please submit your
abstract by 6 April 2016 to:

As a (PhD) student, you can also apply for travel bursaries (deadline is on
16 March 2016).

Basel, headquarter of major pharmaceutical and chemical industry - in the
heart of Europe - is easily reached by plane, train and car (and even by
Basel in Switzerland, St. Louis in France and Loerrach as well as Weil am
Rhein in Germany offer many accommodations at moderate prices to lodge you
during the conference.

Hoping to see you in Basel in August this year!

Sincerely, in the name of the National Organizing Committee,
Katharina M. Fromm and Juerg Schefer
*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
<alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68
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