Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-26 Thread Radovan Cerny
Dear Bob and Jon,
one reply from the public is: come to share your and to get other ideas 
to the meeting Size-Strain IV (, a satelite 
workshop of the EPDIC-9 (, end of this summer 
in Prague.

The thinks can be even more complex: The supperposition of narrow and 
broad peaks can come not only from the size-strain symmetry lower than 
Laue symmetry (Andreas's example for the polycrystal), but also from a 
non-homogeneous distribution of lattice defects (for example 
dislocations), even in the monocrystal.

See you in Prague
Von Dreele, Robert B. a écrit:
I risk a public reply here. One possibility everyone should be open to is that a real phase change has 
occured during some experimental manipulation of your sample. Some phase changes are quite subtle and 
involve only slight (and at first sight) quite odd line broadening. Higher resolution study sometimes 
reveals a splitting of these peaks which is then taken as a sign of a phase change. However, without this 
the linebroadening is sometimes well described by various anisotropic models (and sometimes not!). 
Historically, one only need reflect on the work done over many years on various high Tc superconductors 
and their relatives to know what I mean. Andreas does have the right idea about random powders but solid 
polycrystalline materials (e.g. metal bars) are a different matter especially if they have been 
"worked" because the various crystallites are no longer in "equal" environments. 
Fortunately, the kind of stuff that happens in metals is generally much less of a problem i!
n the other kinds of materials one studies by powder diffraction so models used in 
Rietveld refinements can be rather simplified.
Bob Von Dreele

From: Jon Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 4/26/2004 3:45 AM

>... to answer to your (too) long questions. May be later, OK?
Going back to this quartics versus ellipsoids peak broadening stuff,
maybe I can summarise:
Why should the distribution of lattice parameters (=strain) in a sample
match the crystallographic symmetry? If the sample has random, isolated
defects then I see it, but if the strains are induced (eg: by grinding)
then I'd expect the symmetry to be broken. Suggests to me the symmetry
constraints should be optional, and that the peak shape function needs
to know about the crystallographic space group and subgroups. Either the
program or the user would need to recognise equivalent solutions when
the symmetry is broken (like the "star of k" for magnetic structures).
Why would anyone have anything against using an ellipsoid? That same
function can be described by the quartic approach, it just has less
degrees of freedom.
In short, I don't understand why there is such a strong recommendation
to use the quartics instead of ellipsoids or why the symmetry is not
optional. I'm still persuing this because I have looked at something
with a very small anisotropic broadening which seems to fit better with
an ellipsoid which breaks the symmetry compared to a quartic which doesn't!
Thanks for any advice,


Radovan Cerny  
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
24, quai Ernest-Ansermet  
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone  : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-26 Thread Von Dreele, Robert B.
I risk a public reply here. One possibility everyone should be open to is that a real 
phase change has occured during some experimental manipulation of your sample. Some 
phase changes are quite subtle and involve only slight (and at first sight) quite odd 
line broadening. Higher resolution study sometimes reveals a splitting of these peaks 
which is then taken as a sign of a phase change. However, without this the 
linebroadening is sometimes well described by various anisotropic models (and 
sometimes not!). Historically, one only need reflect on the work done over many years 
on various high Tc superconductors and their relatives to know what I mean. Andreas 
does have the right idea about random powders but solid polycrystalline materials 
(e.g. metal bars) are a different matter especially if they have been "worked" because 
the various crystallites are no longer in "equal" environments. Fortunately, the kind 
of stuff that happens in metals is generally much less of a problem i!
 n the other kinds of materials one studies by powder diffraction so models used in 
Rietveld refinements can be rather simplified.
Bob Von Dreele

From: Jon Wright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 4/26/2004 3:45 AM

 >... to answer to your (too) long questions. May be later, OK?

Going back to this quartics versus ellipsoids peak broadening stuff,
maybe I can summarise:

Why should the distribution of lattice parameters (=strain) in a sample
match the crystallographic symmetry? If the sample has random, isolated
defects then I see it, but if the strains are induced (eg: by grinding)
then I'd expect the symmetry to be broken. Suggests to me the symmetry
constraints should be optional, and that the peak shape function needs
to know about the crystallographic space group and subgroups. Either the
program or the user would need to recognise equivalent solutions when
the symmetry is broken (like the "star of k" for magnetic structures).

Why would anyone have anything against using an ellipsoid? That same
function can be described by the quartic approach, it just has less
degrees of freedom.

In short, I don't understand why there is such a strong recommendation
to use the quartics instead of ellipsoids or why the symmetry is not
optional. I'm still persuing this because I have looked at something
with a very small anisotropic broadening which seems to fit better with
an ellipsoid which breaks the symmetry compared to a quartic which doesn't!

Thanks for any advice,


Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-26 Thread Andreas Leineweber
Dear Jon,
Jon Wright wrote:
>... to answer to your (too) long questions. May be later, OK?
Going back to this quartics versus ellipsoids peak broadening stuff, 
maybe I can summarise:

Why should the distribution of lattice parameters (=strain) in a 
sample match the crystallographic symmetry? If the sample has random, 
isolated defects then I see it, but if the strains are induced (eg: by 
grinding) then I'd expect the symmetry to be broken. Suggests to me 
the symmetry constraints should be optional, and that the peak shape 
function needs to know about the crystallographic space group and 
subgroups. Either the program or the user would need to recognise 
equivalent solutions when the symmetry is broken (like the "star of k" 
for magnetic structures).
I would like to present my thoughts here, although some points overlap 
with points mentined previously by others:
One has to think what one looks at: If you look at a single crystal 
grain, which may show, for whatever reason microstrain broadening (i.e. 
local distortions, e.g. due to dislocations) which is incompatible with 
the Laue group/crystal system symmetry. In powder diffraction, however, 
you look at an ensemble of crystallites, and the line broadening 
information is averaged. Even if you have a powder of identical 
crystals, each showing identical line broadening incompatible with Laue 
symmetry reflections of different width overlap because they have the 
same d-spacing. By that the line broadening of the crystals incompatible 
with Laue symmetry cannot be obtained directly from the powder pattern, 
e.g . by analysing the powder peaks' widths as a function of hkl, as you 
could do it for a single crystal. You can only analyse averaged widths. 
Thus you loose the decisive information. However, you may detect hkl 
dependent changes of the shapes of the reflections, e.g. superlorentzian 
peaks where, e.g. one broad and two narrow overlap (h00 reflection of a 
cubic crystals which show strong microstrain along [001] but low 
microstrain along [100] and [010]). It will be difficult to recognise 
such effects, unless they are really strong, and it may be even more 
difficult to interpret that, if you have not specific information about 
possible sources of the microstrain. The same problem of overlapping 
reflections of different widths is predicted for certain cases of 
quartic line broadening when the Laue group symmetry is lower than the 
crystal system symmetry (E.g. for the Laue class 4/m), as remarked by 
Stephens (1999). As much as I know, no such case has been reported yet.

To summarise: I think refinement of anisotropic line broadening will be 
much more stable if constrained by symmetry, such that reflections 
equivalent by symmetry have the same width.

One example related with that problem was presented at (I think it was a 
size broadening case, but similar conclusions may be valid for microstrain)
Young, R. A., Sakthivel, A., Bimodal Distributions of Profile-Broadening 
Effects in Rietveld Refinement, J. Appl. Cryst. 21 (1988) 416

Why would anyone have anything against using an ellipsoid? That same 
function can be described by the quartic approach, it just has less 
degrees of freedom. 
Here I fully agree, and there ARE cases where theory predicts an 
ellipsoid (e.g. microstrain-like broadening due to composition 
variations) which should, however, obey the symmetry restrictions. If 
such a case is present an ellipsoid model should be used obeying the 
rule to use a minimum of refined parameters. On the other hand, one 
might imagine other cases, where you have ellipsoid broadening for the 
single crystals incompatible with symmetry and being then 
powder-averaged. However, this will be difficult to be recognised and 
interpreted (see above).

In short, I don't understand why there is such a strong recommendation 
to use the quartics instead of ellipsoids or why the symmetry is not 
optional. I'm still persuing this because I have looked at something 
with a very small anisotropic broadening which seems to fit better 
with an ellipsoid which breaks the symmetry compared to a quartic 
which doesn't!

Thanks for any advice,
I think it should be recommended
first to use a minimum number of parameters to describe the line 
broadening, and if possible,
secondly to use models which are mathematically compatible with the 
physics of the origin of the line broadening.
Thus in some cases an ellipsoid model should be preferred prior the 
quartic model, because it needs less parameters.
However, I think that are good reasons to keep symmetry restrictions for 
both the quartic and elipsoid models (see above). But there may be 
reasons in certain, and probably few cases, where the symmetry 
restrictions can be lifted, e.g. when you have direction dependent line 
shapes of the broadening contribution to the peak shapes. But maybe that 
could also be better modelled by direction dependent shape factors 
compatible with the crystal symmetry.

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-26 Thread Jon Wright
>... to answer to your (too) long questions. May be later, OK?
Going back to this quartics versus ellipsoids peak broadening stuff, 
maybe I can summarise:

Why should the distribution of lattice parameters (=strain) in a sample 
match the crystallographic symmetry? If the sample has random, isolated 
defects then I see it, but if the strains are induced (eg: by grinding) 
then I'd expect the symmetry to be broken. Suggests to me the symmetry 
constraints should be optional, and that the peak shape function needs 
to know about the crystallographic space group and subgroups. Either the 
program or the user would need to recognise equivalent solutions when 
the symmetry is broken (like the "star of k" for magnetic structures).

Why would anyone have anything against using an ellipsoid? That same 
function can be described by the quartic approach, it just has less 
degrees of freedom.

In short, I don't understand why there is such a strong recommendation 
to use the quartics instead of ellipsoids or why the symmetry is not 
optional. I'm still persuing this because I have looked at something 
with a very small anisotropic broadening which seems to fit better with 
an ellipsoid which breaks the symmetry compared to a quartic which doesn't!

Thanks for any advice,

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-15 Thread Nicolae Popa

> Dear Prof Popa,
> I had been meaning to implement the quartic form for peak width in a
> refinement program for some time, but did not figure out how to generate
> the constraints from a general list of symmetry operators. Is there a
> simple trick for doing this? I was thinking of just choosing a

Dear Jon,

Sorry, I had no time and I'll have not at least 5 days to answer to your
(too) long questions. May be later, OK?

Best wishes

Nic. Popa

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Nicolae Popa

> >(you could be a good boxeur, Armel!),
> Knocked out at round 4 ! Argh !

Some people believe that "fair play" is mainly an Anglo-Saxon apanage
(prerogative). Obviously they are wrong.

> Anyway, a sphere was good enough for the previous
> size-strain round robin... Hope that the next size-strain
> round robin will be more complex, and will succeed
> in excluding definitely any ellipsoid from the ring.
> Armel
Agree with you concerning the complexity of the next SS-RR but, perhaps, we
can keep some ellipsoids if they are properly used and in the right place.

Best wishes,


Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Armel Le Bail

(you could be a good boxeur, Armel!),
Knocked out at round 4 ! Argh !

Anyway, a sphere was good enough for the previous
size-strain round robin... Hope that the next size-strain
round robin will be more complex, and will succeed
in excluding definitely any ellipsoid from the ring.

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Jon Wright

Not violating symmetry restrictions you may either
have the sphere with the terms 11=22=33 and 12=13=23=0
or something else allowing the 12=13=23 terms to be equal
but different from 0. These two possibilities are all you can do
in cubic symmetry with h,k,l permutable. If I am not wrong.
The (111) and (-111) come out with different widths if the {12=13=23} != 
0, but the quartic's have declared this blasphemous as they are symmetry 
equivalents... perhaps you should go into hiding before they burn you at 
the stake[*].  There would be an equivalent "solution" with (-12=13=23, 
etc), so the "something else" is an ellipsoid along the 111 direction, 
and you can find the same "solution" if you put the ellipsoid along any 
of the 111 directions. Same solutions, but some have the crystal upside 
down or on it's side. Sometimes happens if you drop your crystal.

So if  (111) and (-111) do not need to be equal in width, someone is 
hopefully about explain to me why (100) and (010) do need to be equal in 
width in cubic symmetry. I don't understand why they do, and for a 
single crystal I have a vague memory of seeing them measured as being 
different (it is a very vague memory and I might have been mistaken). In 
a powder you don't know which direction is which anymore, but squash 
some cubic grains and then shake them up, and each grain will probably 
remember which way was up when you squashed it. If you use a subgroup of 
your crystal spacegroup for the peak widths then you'll find the same 
solution moved by the symmetry operators you threw out to make the 
subgroup. Nothing surprising there. I wouldn't generally expect the 
crystal defects to have the full crystal symmetry, but some people seem 
to be insisting they should have. I am curious as to how that comes 
about, especially if the defects interact with each other and eventually 
gather themselves up into a full blown symmetry breaking small 
distortion. If I were to implement this stuff in PRODD, should I force 
the users to apply the symmetry or not? If not it means taking care 
internally to sum over the equivalents when computing the peakshape. If 
that sum is not carried out, then I can see why problems could arise, 
but otherwise it seems unreasonable to insist that everyone use the full 
crystal symmetry?

So can someone just tell me why the symmetry is not optional?


[*] Please excuse my sense of humour.

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Nicolae Popa
> Not violating symmetry restrictions you may either
> have the sphere with the terms 11=22=33 and 12=13=23=0
> or something else allowing the 12=13=23 terms to be equal
> but different from 0. These two possibilities are all you can do
> in cubic symmetry with h,k,l permutable. If I am not wrong.

You are.
The cross terms have disappear even at orthorhombic (monoclinic has only
one). Cubic is an orthorhombic to which a 3-fold axis is added on the big
diagonal resulting in 11=22=33.


Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Matteo Leoni
I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this argument...

I think one big point in all the discussion on size and strain concerns 
the difference between what IS in the specimen, what we see with our 
probe (X-rays or neutrons, presumably) and what we reconstruct using A 
model. In most cases the model do not answer the easy question: "what is 
in the specimen?" 

I want to stress the "A" because in any case what we get is just a 
guess... subtle philosophers could speculate on this.. but I bet we're all 
scientists and not mere philosophers..
Anyway, people start their analysis with simple models and try to improve 
them.. easy but effective!

As far as I know (well microelectronics is reality I think!) there
is NO connection between grain shape (and therefore crystallite shape) and 
symmetry (or any descriptor for it). 
In this case the ellipsoid model could work, but is completely missing 
reality! The good scientist, however knows the limits of validity and the 
hypotheses on which the model is based (most modern scientists tend to 
forget this concept...) and knows that he obtained some "effective fit".

Ok, specimens we analyse are simpler but...  we are not dealing with 
specimens containing a set of perfect, equal, ordered, aligned crytallites.. 
More likely we have a distribution of shapes, sizes and orientation 
that can screw things up! In this case we can just hope that some simple 
model will accommodate all the mess! And using ANY anisotropic model is in 
most cases better than using none if you just care of "good fit".

As for symmetry restrictions.. well.. they are welcome if they are 
consistent with the nature of diffraction (peak overlapping is always a 
painful problem in line profile analysis), but they are just related to 
our probe (X-rays, neutrones) and NOT with the original crystallites!
Of course music changes if we talk about strain broadening.
That's why Stephens models is good as an effective way of treating 
anisotropic broadening because "it fits better", but I'd not attach any 
physical meaning to the numbers you get out of it...

I have written a bit too much I bet... so better if I go back to my 
size/strain modelling!

OOps I was forgetting... Armel's replies to Nicolae emails are really 
great (you could be a good boxeur, Armel!), but I do not agree on one 

>Yes, anisotropic line broadening is rarely observed
>with cubic compounds unless in very special cases
>of faulting.

this is true if you restrict the scope to size broadening only.
Otherwise, line defects can be a source of anisotropic brodening in 
cubic materials (but you need a "good amount" to appreciate the effect)... 


PS. There is no unique and simple solution to the problem... there are 
just scientists with their ability to attach the proper meaning to their  

g( o 0 )g
Department of Materials Engineering
 and Industrial Technologies 
University of Trento
 38050 Mesiano (TN)
  Matteo Leoni, PhD ITALY
   .ooo0 0ooo.  Tel +39 0461 882416e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   (   ) (   )  Fax +39 0461 881977
\ (---) /--
 \_) (_/ |  | |  |
.ooo0 0ooo.
(   ) (   )
 \ (   ) /   
  \_) (_/

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Armel Le Bail

He could ask the master how is the nature so perfect.
Or could conclude by himself that powders are not single
crystals, so that symmetry may lead to systematic overlap
and irrecoverable loss of information.
Yes, anisotropic line broadening is rarely observed
with cubic compounds unless in very special cases
of faulting.
Yes most crystals, when seen through the powder
diffraction method, seem to grow along symmetry
axis, due to that averaging produced by exact
overlapping according to the symmetry.
how then you searched for size anisotropy in CeO2 with ARIT?
Or the symmetry restrictions are optional?
Not violating symmetry restrictions you may either
have the sphere with the terms 11=22=33 and 12=13=23=0
or something else allowing the 12=13=23 terms to be equal
but different from 0. These two possibilities are all you can do
in cubic symmetry with h,k,l permutable. If I am not wrong.

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-14 Thread Nicolae Popa

> >Presume one of your students makes a fit on a sample having only size
> >anisotropy and he is able to determine the six parameters of the
> >But after that he has a funny idea to repeat the fit changing (hkl) into
> >equivalents (h'k'l'). He has a chance to obtain once again a good fit,
> >other ellipsoid parameters but with (approximately) the same average
> >this
> >time in other direction
> >[lamda/cos(theta)/M(hkl)=lamda/cos(theta)/M(h'k'l')]. Am I wrong?
> But why to presume so soon that people are dumb ?
> You may also presume that the student is not stupid enough
> for trying to determine the 6 parameters of the ellipsoid in any case
> and that he applies restrictions related to the symmetry, as
> recommended in the software manual (the software name was
> ARIT)... That manual says that the 6 parameters are obtainable
> only in triclinic symmetry, etc.
> I prefer to presume first that people are smart, and may be change
> my opinion later.
> I guess that the Lij in GSAS are explained to be symmetry-
> restricted as well.
> Armel

By contrary, I presumed a smart student observing immediately that by
applying to the ellipsoid the symmetry restrictions he obtains some strange
ellipsoids: for orthorhombic the principal axes are always along the crystal
axis, for trigonal, tetragonal & hexagonal they are always rotation
ellipsoids with 3,4,6 - fold axis as rotation axes. He could ask the master
how is the nature so perfect. How know the crystal to grows always along the
symmetry axis? But the most wondered will be the student
seeing that for cubic crystals the ellipsoid is in fact a sphere. To not
risk the next examination probably he will not put this question: how then
searched for size anisotropy in CeO2 with ARIT? Or the symmetry
restrictions are optional?

Nicolae Popa

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-13 Thread Armel Le Bail

Presume one of your students makes a fit on a sample having only size
anisotropy and he is able to determine the six parameters of the ellipsoid.
But after that he has a funny idea to repeat the fit changing (hkl) into
equivalents (h'k'l'). He has a chance to obtain once again a good fit, with
other ellipsoid parameters but with (approximately) the same average size, 
time in other direction
[lamda/cos(theta)/M(hkl)=lamda/cos(theta)/M(h'k'l')]. Am I wrong?
But why to presume so soon that people are dumb ?

You may also presume that the student is not stupid enough
for trying to determine the 6 parameters of the ellipsoid in any case
and that he applies restrictions related to the symmetry, as
recommended in the software manual (the software name was
ARIT)... That manual says that the 6 parameters are obtainable
only in triclinic symmetry, etc.
I prefer to presume first that people are smart, and may be change
my opinion later.
I guess that the Lij in GSAS are explained to be symmetry-
restricted as well.

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-13 Thread Nicolae Popa

> It seems that we disagree on the meaning of some
> english words. English is not my mother language, so I may be
> wrong.

Nor mine, so I can be equally wrong (or worse).

> I was able to put one word on that definition (thanks for it) in my
> previous email : distribution (a size distribution).
> In these earlier works (maybe you define any earlier work as
> being "naive" ?) it is not at all the crystallite shape which is
> approximated by an ellipsoid. The ellipsoid is there for
> modelling the variation of the average size M(hkl) (which is
> the mean of the size distribution).

If ellipsoid models the crystallite shape is an approximation, good or not
good, if models the average size "seen" in powder diffraction as function of
direction is a mistake (see next comment).

> So, thanks, I used ellipsoids in 1983-87 for describing some
> simple size and strain anisotropy effects in the Rietveld method.
> I think that no elementary principle was violated, though

Presume one of your students makes a fit on a sample having only size
anisotropy and he is able to determine the six parameters of the ellipsoid.
But after that he has a funny idea to repeat the fit changing (hkl) into
equivalents (h'k'l'). He has a chance to obtain once again a good fit, with
ellipsoid parameters but with (approximately) the same average size, this
time in other direction
[lamda/cos(theta)/M(hkl)=lamda/cos(theta)/M(h'k'l')]. Am I wrong? If not,
how you explain him that averages of the size distribution are the same in
different directions once were approximated by an ellipsoid? And what set of
ellipsoid parameters you advice to consider, the first or the second one?

> particularly stupid. The ellipsoid method was applied to the
> recent Size-Strain Round Robin CeO2 sample, giving
> results not completely fool (in the sense that not a
> lot of anisotropy was found for that cubic sample
> showing almost size-effect only, and quasi-isotropy).

Not surprisingly. Take a sphere and put two cones at the ends of one
diameter. Certainly the finite high of cone means anisotropy. Refine the
same CeO2 pattern.
Very probably you will find zero for the cone high. Is this funny model
equally good?

> cubic case showing strong stacking fault effects for HNbO3
> (cubic symmetry). A neutron pattern is available. I would be interested
> in a better estimation of the size and strain effects on that sample
> (not only a phenomenological fit). Can you provide that better
> estimation ?
> Best wishes with HNbO3,
> Armel Le Bail

Strong staking faults effect? I would accept your challenge, but I'm not
sure that with a knife in place
of scissors is possible to do easy tailoring. That doesn't mean the knife is
good for nothing.

Best wishes and ... il faut pas s'enerver

Nicolae Popa

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-13 Thread Jon Wright
Nicolae Popa wrote:

the condition to not violate some elementary principles, in particular,
here, the invariance to symmetry. 

Dear Prof Popa,

I had been meaning to implement the quartic form for peak width in a 
refinement program for some time, but did not figure out how to generate 
the constraints from a general list of symmetry operators. Is there a 
simple trick for doing this? I was thinking of just choosing a 
particular peak like hkl=(1,2,3) where all the fifteen quartic terms 
look to be different, and then just comparing the terms generated by 
symmetry equivalent peaks. Then if the code for getting equivalent 
reflections is OK, the constraints can be determined, messily, that way. 
Is this on the right track?

I was also wondering if the user should be allowed to choose a different 
symmetry for the peak widths compared to the crystal structure. I 
thought it was possible to measure quite different peak shapes for 
equivalent hkl's in heavily deformed single crystals...? Something like 
a powdered iron sample which has strains introduced by being squashed 
between two magnets might have a lower symmetry for the peak broadening 
compared to the cubic crystal symmetry. Does the powder averaging 
somehow wash this kind of effect away? What about small distortions 
which only show up in the peak widths and where the space group change 
does not generate superstructure peaks (eg P4/m to P2/m)? At some point 
in a series of datasets going through a second order transition you'd 
want to go from tetragonal to monoclinic in a smooth way. What about 
samples containing a mixture of strained and unstrained crystallites? I 
guess that ought to modelled as two phases?

Thanks in advance for any advice. Sadly I don't know if I will ever find 
to the time to get this peakshape stuff going until I have a sample that 
really needs it...


PS: With the debate raging over which is the "right" approach, I got 
very confused, is one an extension of the other...? Assuming you 
normalise the L11 etc by the reciprocal cell metric tensor elements (who 
wouldn't ?-), then making them all equal gives isotropic strain. 
Allowing those Lij to be different from each other gives an ellipsoid 
with six degrees of freedom, which would seem to be related to the S_hkl 
parameters as below. Going to the quartic form just allows the elements 
in that matrix to be inconsistent with the Lij parameters (eg the 
entries for L11*L11, L22*L22 and L11*L22 do not agree on the L11 and L22 
values). In implementing this stuff it would seem more sane to define 
Lij as being normalised by the cell parameters (RM11 etc in GSAS) and to 
subtract off the isotropic contribution (LY). Then define the S_hkl in 
terms of the Lij and "LY" - with the diagonal elements as Lij^2 and the 
off diagonal elements as being the difference between the values needed 
to fit the peaks, and the values predicted by the Lij's. This means that 
the anisotropic broadening model with just one direction (stec? in GSAS) 
can also be implemented by making two of the eigenvectors of an Lij 
based matrix be equal (you could refine a direction).

It might be more work for the programmer, but numerically things should 
be more stable if the functions refined are more orthogonal to each 
other. Fitting the anisotropy as the difference between the peak widths, 
rather than their absolute values should make life easier, at least for 
getting the fit started. Also I much prefer to have refined values where 
I can ask if something is within esd of being zero! (Is the anisotropic 
broadening "significant"? Am I in a false minimum?)

width = sqrt{( L11 h*h )   ( L11 h*h )^T }
( L22 k*k )   ( L22 k*k )
( L33 l*l )   ( L33 l*l )
( L12 h*k )   ( L12 h*k )
( L13 h*l )   ( L13 h*l )
( L23 k*l )   ( L23 k*l )
giving: (work out the h,k,l powers from the 11, 12 etc)

( L11*L11, L22*L11, L33*L11, L12*L11, L13*L11, L23*L11 )
( L11*L22, L22*L22, L33*L22, L12*L22, L13*L22, L23*L22 )
( L11*L33, L22*L33, L33*L33, L12*L33, L13*L33, L23*L33 )
( L11*L12, L22*L12, L33*L12, L12*L12, L13*L12, L23*L12 )
( L11*L13, L22*L13, L33*L13, L12*L13, L13*L13, L23*L13 )
( L11*L23, L22*L23, L33*L23, L12*L23, L13*L23, L23*L23 )
The fifteen S_hkl parameters are then:
1 L11*L114 L11*L127 L22*L23
2 L22*L225 L11*L138 L33*L13
3 L33*L336 L22*L129 L33*L23
10 L11*L22 + L12*L12
11 L11*L33 + L13*L13
12 L22*L33 + L23*L23
13 L12*L23 + L22*L13
14 L13*L23 + L33*L12
15 L12*L13 + L11*L23
So one could make a peakshape with the 6 by 6 matrix above and implement 
all of the different models (single direction, ellipsoid and quartic 
form) in terms of the constraints on the matrix elements.

Can someone tell me if all that is "right" or "wrong"? I was kind of 
hoping that if I ever do get around to it, I could have a single peak 
shape function which works for everything and never needs to be messed 
about with again...!

Would there be any rea

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-13 Thread Armel Le Bail
To a happy Easter,

It seems that we disagree on the meaning of some
english words. English is not my mother language, so I may be
The naive character doesn't come from the approximation of  the crystallite
shape by an ellipsoid, but from the approximation of  the size effect in
powder diffraction  by ellipsoid. In powder diffraction it is seen not one,
but a (big) number of crystallites more or less randomly oriented. The
crystallites in reflection  "show" different diameters, not only one.
I was able to put one word on that definition (thanks for it) in my
previous email : distribution (a size distribution).
In these earlier works (maybe you define any earlier work as
being "naive" ?) it is not at all the crystallite shape which is
approximated by an ellipsoid. The ellipsoid is there for
modelling the variation of the average size M(hkl) (which is
the mean of the size distribution).
Certainly, always one
can use ellipsoids as a first approximation for any kind of anisotropy, with
the condition to not violate some elementary principles, in particular,
here, the invariance to symmetry.
So, thanks, I used ellipsoids in 1983-87 for describing some
simple size and strain anisotropy effects in the Rietveld method.
I think that no elementary principle was violated, though
certainly the word "violation" can be used as a definition for
an "extreme approximation". But calling it "first approach
twenty years ago" is less violent, even if you think that it is
particularly stupid. The ellipsoid method was applied to the
recent Size-Strain Round Robin CeO2 sample, giving
results not completely fool (in the sense that not a
lot of anisotropy was found for that cubic sample
showing almost size-effect only, and quasi-isotropy).
Not surprisingly, people are mainly interested to obtain a good structure
refinement and ignore by-products like strain an size. Doesn't mean that
strain and size can not be estimated better.
I have gathered some interesting examples of anisotropic effects
(at large) in a database of powder patterns. There is a famous
cubic case showing strong stacking fault effects for HNbO3
(cubic symmetry). A neutron pattern is available. I would be interested
in a better estimation of the size and strain effects on that sample
(not only a phenomenological fit). Can you provide that better
estimation ? It was a D1A (ILL) pattern and you could use the CeO2
well-crystallized sample powder pattern made on the D1A
instrument for the Size-Strain Round Robin. Type the keyword HNbO3
in the search system of PowBase and you will have a hyperlink toward
a .zip file containing the data :
See a part of the neutron powder pattern at :
The ellipsoid approach is of course unable to provide anything
correct with that case... Can your approach tell something ? This
would interest a lot of people.
The thermodynamics is phenomenological science, have we to consider it a
naive or a less naive science?
You use the word "naive", not me, I only cited it under quotes. I would
never use it concerning any science. I just tried to show that even the
application of ellipsoids in order to model size and strain anisotropy was
not "naive". It was old Science (in the sense "accepted for publication
twenty years ago" ;-).
Best wishes with HNbO3,

Armel Le Bail

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-08 Thread Nicolae Popa

> Our whole science is a so bad approximation to the Universe...
> For the representation of an isotropic size effect , you may imagine
> the mean size being the same in all directions, obtaining a
> sphere. The same for a mean strain value.
> Introducing some anisotropy in mean size and mean strain in the
> Rietveld method was done in the years 1983-87 by the "naive" view that
> the mean size M(hkl) in any direction could be approximated by
> an ellipsoid rather than a sphere, and the same for the mean
> strain (hkl). See for instance J. Less-Common Metals
> 129 (1987) 65-76.

Hello Messieur Le Bail,
(and thanks for explaining how to pass from sphere - isotropy to ellipsoid -

The naive character doesn't come from the approximation of  the crystallite
shape by an ellipsoid, but from the approximation of  the size effect in
powder diffraction  by ellipsoid. In powder diffraction it is seen not one,
but a (big) number of crystallites more or less randomly oriented. The
crystallites in reflection  "show" different diameters, not only one.
Concerning the mean strain, another confusion. In fact the mean strain
gives the peak shift, sometimes reasonably described by an ellipsoid in
(hkl)  (for example not-textured samples under hydrostatic pressure). But
the strain broadening is related on the strain dispersion (you wrote 
not ) that in first approximation is a symmetrized quartic form and its
square root (giving breadth) is never an ellipsoid. Certainly, always one
can use ellipsoids as a first approximation for any kind of anisotropy, with
the condition to not violate some elementary principles, in particular,
here, the invariance to symmetry. It has no relevance to use the thermal
ellipsoids as argument. The thermal ellipsoids are a natural consequence of
the harmonic vibration of the atoms and no principle is violated, even if,
some times, this is a rough approximation because of a high contribution of

> Less "naive" representations were applied in the years 1997-98
> (so, ten years later). But these less naive representations were not
> providing any size and strain estimations,

Not surprisingly, people are mainly interested to obtain a good structure
refinement and ignore by-products like strain an size. Doesn't mean that
strain and size can not be estimated better.

>the fit was quite better
> (especially in cases showing stacking faults, with directional effects
> hardly approximated by ellipsoids) but remained "phenomenological".

The thermodynamics is phenomenological science, have we to consider it a
naive or a less naive science?

Best wishes a happy Easter,

Nicolae Popa

> You can find experts in thermal vibration explaining that the ellipsoid
> representation used by crystallographers is an extremely naive view
> of the reality, and they are right. But crystallographers continue to
> calculate these Uij (and there is a table giving Uij restrictions)
> which in most cases provide a minimal and sufficient representation
> of thermal vibrations...
> Armel

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-08 Thread Armel Le Bail

>The coefficients Lij in the formula you wrote have no significance.

Our whole science is a so bad approximation to the Universe...

For the representation of an isotropic size effect , you may imagine
the mean size being the same in all directions, obtaining a
sphere. The same for a mean strain value.
Introducing some anisotropy in mean size and mean strain in the
Rietveld method was done in the years 1983-87 by the "naive" view that
the mean size M(hkl) in any direction could be approximated by
an ellipsoid rather than a sphere, and the same for the mean
strain (hkl). See for instance J. Less-Common Metals
129 (1987) 65-76.
Less "naive" representations were applied in the years 1997-98
(so, ten years later). But these less naive representations were not
providing any size and strain estimations, the fit was quite better
(especially in cases showing stacking faults, with directional effects
hardly approximated by ellipsoids) but remained "phenomenological".
The old naive view  provided at least (bad) estimations of the directional
values of the mean size and strain parameters. Behind that ellipsoidal
approximation of the mean size and strain are even more important
"details": one  has also to define  what could be the size distribution
and the strain distribution. Simplifying naively, the mean size and strain
play on the profile width, and the size and strain distributions play on the
profile shape. In the earlier approachs, the size and strain
distributions were also naively represented (frequently Cauchy-like
for the size distribution, and Gaussian for the strain distribution -
but do not confuse the shapes of the size and strain distributions
with profile shapes).
Nowadays, people are using flexible profile shapes and seem
to be not concerned at all with the exact relation between the profile
shape and the size and strain distributions (some profile shapes could
correspond to unrealistic size and strain distributions (for instance
a negative proportion of crystallites for some given sizes, etc). This
looks quite naive to me as well...
Probably in ten or twenty years, more essential improvements will
make the current view looking very naive; this is to be expected ;-).
You can find experts in thermal vibration explaining that the ellipsoid
representation used by crystallographers is an extremely naive view
of the reality, and they are right. But crystallographers continue to
calculate these Uij (and there is a table giving Uij restrictions)
which in most cases provide a minimal and sufficient representation
of thermal vibrations...
With some experience, looking at a powder diffraction pattern, you
may visually approximate the mean coherent domain size : small,
medium or large. Do you really need the exact size distribution and
exact mean size in all crystallographic directions ? Rarely ;-).

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-07 Thread Nicolae Popa

Dear Christophe,
The coefficients Lij in the formula you wrote have 
no significance. This formula  is a naive representation of strain 
anisotropy that falls at the first analysis. It is enough to change the indices 
hkl into equivalent indices and you obtain other Gamma. As a consequence, in 
cubic classes for example, the microstrain anisotropy doesn't exist, which is a 
nonsense. The correct formulae are indeed in Peter Stephens paper (at least for 
a part of Laue classes) but also in a paper by Popa, J. Appl. Cryst. (1998) 31, 
176-180, where the physical significance of coefficients is explicitly stated. 
Hence, if denote by Eij the components of the microstrain tensor in an 
orthogonal coordinate system  related to crystallite, then 
the coefficients are some linear combinations (specific to every Laue class) of 
the averages .
Best wishes,
Nicolae Popa

  - Original Message - 
  Christophe Chabanier 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 6:45 
  Subject: GSAS informations
  Hello everybody,i have a question about the GSAS 
  software. Indeed, i would like to know what are exactly the L11, L22, 
  L33L23 parameters. I saw that these parameters represent the anisotropic 
  microstrain in material. Moreover, there is an empirical _expression_ which uses 
  these parameters as following : Gamma(L) = L11*h^2 +  
  L22*k^2 + L33*l^2 + 2*L12*hk + 2*L13*hl + 2*L23*kl I would like 
  to know and understand the physical representation of these parameters and 
  this _expression_.Thanks in advance 
  Christophe ChabanierINRS-Énergie, Matériaux et 
  Télécommunications 1650 Blvd. Lionel Boulet C. P. 1020, Varennes 
  Qc, Canada J3X 1S2Tél: (450) 929 8220Fax: (450) 
  929 8102Courriel: 

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-07 Thread Peter Zavalij
>From my experience both functions #3 and #4 work fine when broadening anisotropy is 
>not significant. 
I found #4 more works better when anisotropy is large (up to 2 times); in this case 
improvement is substantial

Peter Zavalij

-Original Message-
From: Maxim V. Lobanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 11:05 AM

At least, in the classical article by Peter Stephens (J. Appl. Cryst., 32,
281) it is written about this and similar approaches that "these methods
have been successful in producing improved line-shape fits, even though no
theoretical justification or microscopic model has been given". 
The description is given in the GSAS manual.
I asssume this is a phenomenological treatment, which appears quite
reasonable and convenient... By the way, GSAS has Stephens' formulation as
Sincerely,  Maxim.
> i have a question about the GSAS software. Indeed, i would like to know
>what are exactly the L11, L22, L33L23 parameters. I saw that these
>parameters represent the anisotropic microstrain in material. Moreover,
>there is an empirical expression which uses these parameters as following :
>   L22*k^2 + L33*l^2 + 2*L12*hk + 2*L13*hl + 2*L23*kl
> I would like to know and understand the physical representation of these
>parameters and this expression.

Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-3811

Re: GSAS informations

2004-04-07 Thread Maxim V. Lobanov
At least, in the classical article by Peter Stephens (J. Appl. Cryst., 32,
281) it is written about this and similar approaches that "these methods
have been successful in producing improved line-shape fits, even though no
theoretical justification or microscopic model has been given". 
The description is given in the GSAS manual.
I asssume this is a phenomenological treatment, which appears quite
reasonable and convenient... By the way, GSAS has Stephens' formulation as
Sincerely,  Maxim.
> i have a question about the GSAS software. Indeed, i would like to know
>what are exactly the L11, L22, L33L23 parameters. I saw that these
>parameters represent the anisotropic microstrain in material. Moreover,
>there is an empirical expression which uses these parameters as following :
>   L22*k^2 + L33*l^2 + 2*L12*hk + 2*L13*hl + 2*L23*kl
> I would like to know and understand the physical representation of these
>parameters and this expression.

Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-3811

GSAS informations

2004-04-07 Thread Christophe Chabanier

Hello everybody,
i have a question about the GSAS software. Indeed, i would like to know
what are exactly the L11, L22, L33L23 parameters. I saw that these
parameters represent the anisotropic microstrain in material. Moreover,
there is an empirical _expression_ which uses these parameters as following
 Gamma(L) = L11*h^2 +  L22*k^2 + L33*l^2 + 2*L12*hk + 2*L13*hl
+ 2*L23*kl
 I would like to know and understand the physical representation of
these parameters and this _expression_.
Thanks in advance

Christophe Chabanier
INRS-Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications 
1650 Blvd. Lionel Boulet 
C. P. 1020, Varennes 
Qc, Canada J3X 1S2
Tél: (450) 929 8220
Fax: (450) 929 8102