We are pleased to announce a TOPAS School with hands-on training to be held 
from 17-19 May 2023, at ICDD Headquarters, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA.

The primary topic of the school is to teach participants the operation of TOPAS 
for structure determination and refinement from powder diffraction data. 
Participants should be familiar with the basics of crystal structure analysis. 
Previous knowledge of TOPAS is not required but is an advantage.

Training contents:

- Indexing using the Least-Squares Indexing (LSI) method
- Pawley and Le Bail refinements
- Ab-initio structure determination using Global Optimization
- Structure refinement using the Rietveld and Two-Step methods
- Use of (laboratory and synchrotron) X-ray data and neutron data
- Introduction to pair distribution function (PDF) analysis

More information (program, location, registration) is found here
and here

Organizers & Instructors:
Arnt Kern, Bruker AXS, DE
Scott Misture, Alfred University, USA
Nathan Henderson, Bruker AXS, USA
Tom Blanton, ICDD, USA

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