The android update I installed today/yesterday is working with no
problems so far... AND... wait for it... from trying various bootstrap
tests I've posted about before (ring/ring;ring/local;local/local),
messages are both sending AND receiving at both linux and android!
MAJOR DEAL! I hope it's not a fluke.

The only thing is with gnome client in KDE, X still won't
close/minimize the window, but I believe I already posted about that.
I have to use Quit from the system tray icon context menu.

Arch Linux opendht: 1:1.5.0-2 (waiting for 1.6, but am aware of the
issues that were posted here recently)
daemon: 9179735a649cc0167e1312625d17f8d08a0c2587
lrc: 1f7b84cd7b8cb71fd2d5eb525e3130807b6842fa
gnome client: a8804820558189ceac7fda85223001ef6e7a5237

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