otherwise it's cut at the maximum width. So if you resize the window, the cut will change, it's not a multiline message. But yeah definitely it will be great if the cut is happening on a space character.

On 03/05/2018 01:56 PM, Anna Marei wrote:

Thanks for opening a ticket!

Regarding multi line message: I already noticed the shift+enter way. But otherwise it got cut in the middle of a random word automatically, right? is there a way to implement integrated hyphenation checks somehow?

Anna Marei <> hat am 5. März 2018 um 12:28 geschrieben:

Running the latest Ring GNOME client on an up to date Fedora 27.

I have those clipping bugs in text chats pretty often. Any idea?

and in additon: Are there any rules for textual line breaks so far?

All the best


Have a nice day,

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