On 2019/01/13 16:41 , Evgeniy S. wrote:
> thank you for helping I overlooked that information on website and
> Github repository. 
> Btw, I see some discrepancy there (which can be improved):
> 1) commit to Gihub repository - last was Jun 14, 2018;
> 2) listed firmware (last 4790 from Jun 27 2017)
> on https://atlas.ripe.net/resources/source-code/ page;
> 3) actual firmware version we have installed on probes 4940 (I found no
> way to fund when it was released and when probe was updated);

Thank you for your interest in the measurement source code. Based on
community feedback we switched from releasing tar-balls to publishing
our git repository on github.

However, this transition requires a bit more work:
1) The structure of the git repository needs to be improved. At the
moment there is one branch per release. That should be switched to a
release branch with tags.
2) It is not clear what should be done with the old tar files.

Note that currently we publish only the measurement source code. We are
working toward releasing the remaining code (a collection of shell
scripts) as well to allow people to create software probes. The complete
project for making software probes possible is more involved, it
requires backend and procedural changes as well.


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