I like the original idea.  I've considered it and how to implement it
years ago going as far as writing a script for my old Music DAM software
that utilized a thesaurus.  

In actual use, I didn't find it very useful because in LMS and others I
ended up with something like the 500 genres described.  What I really
wanted was to utilize the hierarchy rather than just a bunch of genres.

So, I then went about creating a "Style" tag, which serves as a
sub-genre.  All my files now have a Genre and Style tag.  My library has
about 40 Genres, some files have multiple Genres, like the odd-ball
music that can be classified as Blues or Rock.

The Style tag then has sub-genres much like the examples described
earlier in this thread... e.g. Hard-Bop, Electric-Blues,
Alternative-Rock, Free-Jazz, etc.  

In LMS, I then use the Custom-Scan and Custom-Menu plugins (Erland's) to
create a menu that allows me to browse:  Genre/Style/....

As well as an option that lets me browse by Style only.  

I also use the Dynamic Playlist plugin to create playlists by style or

It's all a little more fluid and usable.

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