I recently found myself tasked with getting Rivendell 2.16.0 to talk to a Broadcast Tools 16x2 switcher.

The 16x2 is a passive switcher lacking the mix mode of some other BT switchers. An input can be switched to one or both outputs, but no more than one input at a time can go to any output. Switching input 0 to an output mutes that output.

According to SWITCHERS.txt, this unit should respond to the ST (switch take) and GO (GPIO output) commands. I was able to get the ST command working but not the GO; however, I can set the GPIO outputs successfully using the SO (serial output) command.

I found that in order to use SO, I had to first delete the switcher definition in the Hosts screen under rdadmin. If the switcher is defined to use the serial port, SO commands to that port do not get through.

This is no big deal; I'm posting it primarily for the benefit of others who may find themselves having to interface with a 16x2.


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