Tom, you have to check consistently if you're using a compatible itcl package before doing anything. Check with your preferred package manager which dependencies has your itcl installation or, from the shell, run 'dpkg -s itcl3'. It should tell you every relevant information. I don't know how Debian packages map to Ubuntu's, but package itcl3 (3.4~b1-2) from 'squeeze' is compiled against tcl8.5. If you can get the corresponding package for your installation you might end up with a usable system.

-- Massimo

Thomas Lloyd wrote:
Well that is impressive I like the site

What I am trying to do is probably too complicated based on my skill
I have taken Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as it is supported for the next three
years. Maybe a bad choice. It is officially released at the end of the

I have got Rivet to Compile using tcl8.5 this has been driven by itcl3
on Ubuntu being compiled on Ubuntu using tcl8.5, even though tcl8.4 is
still the default version of tcl in Ubuntu go figure. Anyways...

I have been unable to get itcl to compile under ubuntu it's moaning

/generic/itcl2TclOO.c:16:19: error: tclOO.h: No such file or directory
./generic/itcl2TclOO.c:17:22: error: tclOOInt.h: No such file or

So i have given up on that line of thought as i came up short on how to
fix that.
Are you planning to move to tcl8.5 anytime soon? ;)

Every thing seems to work nicely until i do a session_delete command.
Then i get:

can't upvar from variable to itself
    while executing
"variable conf"
    (object "::VALIDATED" method "::Session::delete_session" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"VALIDATED delete_session"
    (in namespace eval "::request" script line 13)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval request {
puts -nonewline ""
# VALIDATED activate
    puts "[VALIDATED id]
    parse header.html


namespace eval request {
puts -nonewline ""
# VALIDATED activate
    puts "[VALIDATED id]"
    parse header.html
    parse script_start.code
    parse script_end.code
    parse login.html
    puts "Logout Sucessful."
    parse footer.html
    VALIDATED status
    VALIDATED delete_session

puts -nonewline ""

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