
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 21:30:10 +0100
Alfredo Sánchez Alberca <asal...@ceu.es> wrote:
> Another thing that would help the customization through css is
> including every piece of information (text or charts) of the output
> window in div blocks with a class.

Putting output into <div>s would not be entirely trivial, as output may
be generated bit-by-bit, so the problem is to add the correct closing
tags. It would still be possible, essentially by making rk.header()
keep track of "current" <div>s (and .rk.make.hr(), which is called
after each plugin). If more fine-grained control is needed, this could
be added to rk.print, rk.graph.on(), etc.

What I'm really trying to say, though: All of this would be coded in R,
no C++ is needed. Perhaps you would like to contribute a patch?


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