<http://directorslounge.tumblr.com/post/17059814446/it-kicks-off-with-a-party-dl8-is-here-8th>IT KICKS OFF WITH A PARTY: [DL8] IS HERE!
8th Berlin International Directors Lounge Film Festival hits "Sternchen"
Opening party today from 20:00 !!!

[DL8], the eighth annual DL (Directors Lounge, but you knew that) event parallel to the Berlinale, is sending out the call to all who want to welcome its coming in a party atmosphere peopled by filmmakers and spectators alike - with a smattering of short film highlights from the coming program and with Biefke and her Kings of Spreedelta giving the beat to keep it all festive. There'll be a bar to supply the libation, of course, and its all going down at the cult-spot <http://www.naherholung-sternchen.de/>Naherholung Sternchen, just behind the Kino International near Alex (literally a few steps from U-Bahn Schillingstr.). It starts at 20:00 (that's 8:00 p.m., folks) and ends sometime well past the wee hours. Funny, weird, maybe perplexing short films from around the globe (two blocks' worth), people like you don't get to meet every day, live upbeat swing and drinks a-plenty - an event just right for a city in film fever. But different from the usual la-di-da. You're coming out, right?

The 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge [DL8] Feb. 9 - 19

<http://berlinlounge.tumblr.com/post/16794265059/how-to-find-us>Naherholung Sternchen, (behind the Kino International / Rathaus Mitte)
U Schillingstrasse | Berolinastr. 7, 10178 Berlin
Daily from 6pm, no admission till 10pm

<http://berlinlounge.tumblr.com/tagged/9th%20Feb%202012>OPENING RECEPTION: Thurs, Feb. 9, 8pm

<http://berlinlounge.tumblr.com/tagged/9th%20Feb%202012>find us on <http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?msid=211519796234430310991.0004b7c91c7203e3b829a&msa=0&ll=52.52145,13.423855&spn=0.005928,0.012274>google maps

the daily <http://berlinlounge.tumblr.com/>program

Hope to see you all!
Team DL

The 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge will take place from Feb. 9 - 19. alongside to the Berlin International Festival. Expect video art and experimental film from all flavors and parts of the world. Several curated programs, specials, accompanied by DJs and VJs ensure eleven cosmopolitan days and nights.

Team Directors Lounge


<http://www.facebook.com/DirectorsLounge>hug us on facebook

<http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=178641250674>or join the fb group
richfilm productions, Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

eMail Adresse:          off...@richfilm.de
Homepage !!!            http://www.kw-eisenlohr.de
Film Produktion:                http://www.richfilm.de

Telefon:                        int.- 49 - (0)30 - 3409 5343 (BERLIN)
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