International workshop: “BioArt: Borders and definitions. Research
project for the development of a widely accepted deontological
framework of its production and management”

The results of the research project (2012-2015) will be presented at
an international workshop at TEI Athens, Friday 24th of April 2015.
The project is operating under the Action “Archimedes III” of the
co-operational programme Education and Life Long Learning, which is
co-funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union.

Bio-art: borders and definitions, International workshop

TEI Athens, Friday 24th of April 2015, TEI Main Amphitheatre

09:15-09:30 Opening remarks - Welcome

09:30-09:45 Giorgos Panagiaris (TEI, Athens) biologist, et al:
Overview of the bio-art project and its results

09:45-10:00 Luis Graca (University of Lisbon, Lisbon) biologist:
Bio-art: a view from science

10:00-10:15 Dimitris Christopoulos (Panteio University, Athens)
political scientist:
Bio-art as social discourse

10:15-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-10:45 Assimina Kaniari (ASFA, Athens) art historian:
Bio-art as a contemporary art practice: strategies of reliability?

10:45-11:00 Suzanne Anker (SVA, New York), artist and theorist:
Bio-art practice and theory

11:00-11:15 Ellen K. Levy (IDSVA, Past President, CAA 2004-2006, New
York),artist and theorist:
Art and Its Interfaces: A BioArt Perspective

11:15-11:30 Marta De Menezes (Cultivamos Cultura, Lisbon) artist and
Bio-art and/in Cultivamos Cultura

11:30-11:45 Gunalan Nadarajan (STAMPS, Michigan) art theorist:
Bio-art and new media art

11:45-12:00 Irina Aristakova (STAMPS, Michigan) cultural theorist:
Bio art: Feminist perspectives

12:00-12:15 Ingeborg Reichle (Humboldt-University, Berlin), art historian:
Bio-art on Display

12:15 End of International Workshop

12:30-13:30 Expert meeting to be followed by Lunch at TEI Athens
between 13.30-14:30

Art and Science: Artistic research from Bauhaus to Bio-art, Athens
School of Fine Arts, Athens, 23rd of April 2015: round table
discussion with Marta De Menezes, Suzanne Anker and Ellen Levy,
moderated by Assimina Kaniari and Ingeborg Reichle.

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