Barcelona University, Open University of Catalonia, HANGAR
11Th-12th December, 2014

Faculty of Art History, Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Montalegre 6-8, 08001 Barcelona


Organized by the University of Barcelona (UB), the Open University of
Catalonia (UOC) and HANGAR, Centre for Arts Production and Research.
11th-12th December, 2014 at the Faculty of Art History (UB). c/
Montalegre 6-8. 08001 Barcelona

The materials and technologies of contemporary art invite us to
reconsider, not only the role that these play in the articulation of
artistic practices, but also the theoretical frameworks that
demonstrate the role of the materiality itself inside Art History.
These premises involve new methodological challenges and important
epistemological transformations in the examination of art; challenges
that must be analysed, discussed and contrasted with the long and
fertile tradition of art studies. Fundamental problems such as the
distribution of the agencies involved in the investigation and the
artistic practice, the lines of temporal causality, the
inter-connection between materialities and discoursivities, the role
of the technology and the society, the spatiality and location of the
art, gain relevance from the suggested challenges.

Art Matters International Conference 2014 gives space for those
research matters that, coming from the academy and the professional
practice, rebuild the relation between art and its materiality:
contributions focused on theoretical, methodological and
epistemological reconsiderations and, specially, empirical studies
centered on art routines and infrastructures.

Perspectives such as Media Archaeology, the Actor-Network Theory or
the New Materialisms contribute decisively to the possibility of
blurring or even erasing preconceived ontological distinctions
–inoperative today-, and traditionally supported by the framework of
our modernity. We are alluding to established dichotomies such as
subject/object, matter/discourse, theory/practice, social/
technological, expert/non-expert that lay out important onto-epistemic
challenges to overcome. The interest of the congress is precisely to
connect these new perspectives with the tradition of history, theory
and art practice, starting always from both the reflection and the
experience with the routines, the infrastructures and the art fields.

Topics for discussion:

Researches about art infrastructures: museums, art galleries, centers
of production and investigation, archives, exhibition and distribution
displays, art market dynamics.

Investigations about objects and artistic practices: new materials,
technologies inside the art field, production processes, distribution,
conservation and preservation of the art and the media, etc.

Other art histories and narratives: “minor” or divergent histories,
non linear narratives, emergency of novelties, relational temporality
and spatiality, forgotten geographical areas, etc.

Onto-epistemic and methodological art frameworks: human and non-human
agency, relations between practice and theory, experts and
non-experts, trans/inter/meta/non-disciplinarity, etc.



9:00 – 9:30

9:30 – 10:00
Welcoming Speech
Conference Chairs: Lourdes Cirlot (UB), Pau Alsina (UOC), Tere Badía

10:00 – 11:00
Keynote: Fernando Domínguez Rubio
Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, University
California, San Diego

Chair: Pau Alsina

11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break

12:00 – 13:30
SESSION A: Infrastructures for an unstable heritage

Chair: Lara F. Portolés Argüelles

Museums: from public institutions to common institutions
Jordi Sans Casanovas

Los cruces entre arte y tecnología en México en el marco del Centro
Multimedia del CENART
Jesús Fernando Monreal Ramírez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México) & Ana Del Castillo Vázquez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de

An interdisciplinary conservation: the case study Cultura Hidropónica,
by the artist Miguel Palma
Luísa Fernandes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Taull1123, mapping i patrimoni
Eloi Maduell (Playmodes)

13:30 – 15:00h
Lunch break

15:00 – 16:00
Keynote: Ingeborg Reichle
FONTE professor, Institute for Cultural History and Theory,
Humboldt University, Berlin

16:00 – 17:30
SESSION B: Divergent histories, starting from matter
Chairs: Vanina Hofman, Ana Rodriguez

Encuentros entre lo material y lo visual. De la separación a la
Sergio Martínez Luna (Proyecto de Investigación I+D+i: “Culturas
Materiales, Culturas Epistémicas: Estándares, Artefactos y
Materialidad”. Proyecto de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

The Mouth and the Anus: New Tools for Art Criticism
Icaro Ferraz Vidal Junior (Università degli studi di Bergamo)

Memory as Material – a visual arts research practice in
neuroscientific laboratories
Maria Manuela Lopes (Universidade de Aveiro / Universidade do Porto,
University for the Creative Arts / Experimental Research laboratory)

Precarias, híbridas y utópicas
Lucía Egaña Rojas (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), Valentina
Montero (Universitat de Barcelona)

A Media-Archaeology of Art or an Art of Media-Archaeology?
Jacqui Knight (Plymouth University), Martyn Woodward (Plymouth University)


9:00 – 9:30

9:30 – 10:30
Keynote: Chris Salter
Director of the Hexagram Concordia Centre for Research and Creation in
Media Art and Technology, Montreal

10:30 – 12:00
SESSION C: Hybrid material practices
Chair: Daniel López del Rincón, Víctor Ramírez

Art, Media and Technologies: On Wolfgang Tillmans’ Neue Welt
Sara Rundgren Yazdani (University of Oslo)

Netgarden: Art, Nature & Society
Lorena Lozano (Universidad de Oviedo)

Objetos, procesos artísticos y contextos discursivos en el marco de
una nueva era geológica: oscilando entre la cooptación y la subversión
Christian M. Alonso (Universitat de Barcelona)

When your fears are a swarm in the hive of your mind * the experience
as art work (using the example of Melliferopolis)
Christina Stadlbauer (Melliferopolis)

12:00 – 12:30
Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00
SESSION D: Intangibles: algorithms and interfaces
Chairs: Irma Vilà, Pau Waelder

Algorithm as artwork, artwork through algorithm
Oliver Spall (Goldsmiths College)

The exhibition as an interface: how might software studies affect the
way we think about encounters with art?
Samantha Penn (University of London, Goldsmiths), Juan Pablo de la
Vega (University of London, Goldsmiths)

Zombie media. Disección, regeneración y reparación, agentes para la
fabricación de sistemas lúdico- tecnocráticos.
Moisés Mañas Carbonell (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), Marina
Pastor Aguilar (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Hacia un interface manifesto
PIPES (Hangar, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

14:00 – 15:00
Lunch break

15:00 – 17:00
Closing roundtable (open session)
The conference as practice, errors and initiatives.
Hybrid connections between cultural producers.
Guests: Oscar Abril Ascaso, (LABoral, Center of Art and Creative
Industries), Mónica Bello (VIDA Art and Artificial Life International
Awards. Telefonica Foundation), Art Matters Conference Organization Team.

Art and Research roundtable. Presentation of CAIRE [Cluster of
Experimental Art and Research]
Guests:  Gerard Vilar (UAB), Jessica Jaques (UAB), Roc Parés (UPF),
Pol Capdevila (UPF) Alicia Vela (UB), Eloi Puig (UAB), Tere Badia
(Hangar), Marta Gracia (Hangar), Pau Alsina (UOC)


Pau Alsina (Studies of Art and Humanities. Universitat Oberta de
Tere Badía (Hangar | Visual Arts Research and Production Center)
Lourdes Cirlot (Faculty of Art History. Universitat de Barcelona)

Conference funded by the project “Arte, Arquitectura y Sociedad
Digital: Innovaciones artísticas e impacto social”
(HAR2011-30347-C02-01). Research group Arte, Arquitectura y Sociedad

Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Reichle
FONTE Stiftungsprofessur
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Sitz: Institut für Kulturwissenschaft
Georgenstr. 47
10117 Berlin

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