AoIR 2016 in Berlin: Call for Proposals

Internet Rules!

Workshop Day: 5 October 2016

Conference Dates: 6-8 October 2016

AoIR 2016 is the 17th annual conference of the Association of Internet 
Researchers, a transdisciplinary gathering of scholars interested in the place 
of networked technologies in social processes. It will take place at 
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany from October 5-8, 2016.
AoIR 2016 will emphasize the relevance of the Internet in today’s culture and 
politics. The conference theme addresses the significance of the codes and 
rules that frame the Internet, as well as their playful circumvention, from 
technical protocols and popular platforms to the emerging, established, and 
contested conventions of online communities. Who are the actors both in 
practices of rule-making and rule-breaking, what are their motivations and 
resources, and how can their power relations and communicative figurations be 
described? How does the Internet influence the proliferation of the values that 
its platforms, services and infrastructures embody and what spaces of creative 
resistance persist? How do various forms of technical, social, and cultural 
hacking subvert these orders? In which ways do the affordances of platforms and 
devices, the ubiquity of digital data and routine personal practices inform 
each other?
The committee calls for proposals for papers, panels, workshops, roundtables, 
and other events that engage with the conference theme or the field more 
generally. Topics could include (but are not limited to):

        • coordination and rule-making online
        • media, culture and identity
        • (h)activism and social justice
        • critical approaches to algorithms, platform studies
        • codes and practices of internet culture
        • connected devices and the internet of things
        • big data and predictive analytics
        • techno-social interfaces
        • digital labor, crowdsourcing and co-creation
        • internet governance and regulation
        • (global) social media
        • communication, participation and polarization online
        • philosophy of information and knowledge

We particularly invite submissions that engage with or challenge the conference 
theme in new and exciting ways, are innovative, or present a novel approach to 
the topic. We encourage “experimental sessions” that extend research in unusual 
directions (via method, topic or presentation structure). We also welcome 
submissions on topics that address social, cultural, political, legal, 
aesthetic, economic, and/or philosophical aspects of the internet beyond the 
conference theme. The committee extends a special invitation to students, 
researchers, and practitioners who have previously not participated in an 
Internet Research event to submit proposals.

We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions to encompass the 
breadth of relevant research. We welcome proposals for traditional academic 

CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS. We invite proposals that will focus on discussion and 
interaction among conference delegates. Finally, doctoral students are invited 
to participate in the DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM preceding the main conference.

Traditional papers: Paper submissions should articulate the issue or research 
question to be discussed, the methodological or critical framework used, and 
indicate the findings or conclusions to be presented and/or the relevance to 
wider conference themes. Papers can present any kind of research or analysis, 
but should be written so that the importance of the work can be understood by 
reviewers working in different disciplines or using different approaches. 
Cross- or trans-disciplinary work is especially encouraged. Paper submissions 
should be approximately 1200 words long, including references. Please note that 
paper submissions need not adhere to a pre-formatted template, but should give 
an indication as to the consistency, rigor and relevance of the work. 
Presentations at the IR conference are generally intended to be dynamic, and 
provide a broad overview of the scholarship being engaged, with the hope of 
generating useful conversation.
Preconstituted panels: Panels should present a coherent group of papers on a 
single theme. Panel proposals should include 1200-word abstracts as above for 
each of the constituent papers, as well as a brief statement articulating the 
papers’ relationship to each other. It is recommended that panels include four 
papers, although submissions of three to five papers will also be considered. 
The organizer is responsible for compiling the proposal into a single document 
for submission.
Preconference workshops: Workshops may be either half or full-day events that 
occur on the first day of the conference and focus on a particular topic. They 
may be a workshop of some kind (e.g., a publishing workshop), a methodological 
“bootcamp” (e.g., on ethnography or statistical analysis), an exploration of a 
theoretical tradition or topical area (e.g., symbolic interaction, political 
economy, or GIS) or anything else that may be of interest to conference 
delegates. Proposals for workshops should explain for a general scholarly 
audience the goals of the workshop, the way it will operate, and an indication 
of potential audience or attendees who may be interested in attending (such as 
“early career scholars” or “researchers using statistical analysis”). Proposals 
for workshops should be approximately 600-800 words in length, and should name 
the workshop facilitators.

Roundtable Sessions: Roundtables encourage discussion and interaction among 
delegates. They may involve brief introductory presentations by organizers. 
Proposals should include details on the theme or topic of discussion and its 
relevance, along with names of the organizers/initial participants. Roundtables 
can include no more than 5 initial participants. Roundtable submissions should 
be between 250-300 words long (to be included as the “abstract” in the 
submissions process–no separate document need be uploaded).
Open Fishbowls: Fishbowl sessions should cover broad topics of interest to a 
wide segment of the AoIR community, and create a space for dialogue across 
different types of research. Submitted proposals should include a brief 
statement as to the core idea or theme for the fishbowl, emphasizing its 
relation to conference themes or relevance to the IR community. Fishbowls can 
include no more than 5 initial participants (named fish).

Experimental Sessions: Experimental sessions are those that, while of interest 
to members or engaging with conference themes, meaningfully “push the envelope” 
beyond more traditional forms of conference engagement and participation and as 
such do not fit into any of the other proposal formats. Examples may include 
Ignite or pecha-kucha presentations, demonstrations, performances, 
installations, short-form workshops, unsessions, maker or code-based projects, 
or interactive experiences (such as the “Kissing Booth” that was presented at 
AoIR 2011  in Seattle). Proposals for experimental sessions should describe for 
a general scholarly audience the goal or idea of the session and how it will 
operate, and discuss why the proposed format will be of interest to AoIR 
delegates. Organizers of experimental sessions will be responsible for 
supplying any necessary equipment beyond that usually provided for conference 
presentations, and should be prepared to coordinate closely with the conference 
committee as necessary to enable a successful presentation of the alternative 
format. To encourage this kind of submission, we are again offering the 
“Halavais Prize for Weirdness” this year for the most interesting and 
successful submission in a non-traditional format.
Doctoral Colloquium: The Association of Internet Researchers believes that its 
emerging researchers are the best in its disparate constituent fields. In 
keeping with its commitment to students’ scholarship, we continue the tradition 
of bringing emerging and established scholars together through the AoIR 2016 
Doctoral Colloquium. The colloquium offers PhD students working in internet 
research or a related field a special, day-long forum, to be convened on 5 
October 2016. For many years, this pre-conference event has provided students 
with the opportunity to a concentrated amount of time with senior scholars to 
share research projects, address methodological and theoretical challenges, and 
exchange informal advice on juggling the multiple pressures associated with job 
searching, publishing, and finishing the dissertation
Interested students should prepare a) a two-page summary of your research. This 
should provide a context for the research, describe the methods being used, the 
progress to date, and primary concerns and issues; and b) A brief statement 
indicating why you want to participate in this doctoral colloquium and what you 
hope to get out of it. These are due on or before 15 June 2016.

In order to increase the diversity of participation in the AoIR conferences, 
the Association of Internet Researchers makes available conference fee waivers 
and partial travel stipends ($500) per year. The number of fee waivers and 
travel stipends will depend first of all upon the ability of the conference 
budget to sustain such waivers (a judgment to be made by the AoIR Executive 
Committee upon the advice of the AoIR Treasurer and the local organizing 
committee) as well as upon the quality of the applications for fee waivers. 
Conference scholarships are made available only to participants who have had 
papers accepted via the peer review process, and applications are due on 1 June 
2016, after acceptances have been announced.

More information will be made available regarding the scholarship application 
process at the conference website:

Submission dates and contact information forthcoming.

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