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Freitag 12. Februar 2010, 22 Uhr

Am Freitag 12. Februar steht der Musiker, Künstler und Filmemacher Dick El Demasiado auf der Nuevos Ricos-Bühne.

Der gebürtige Niederländer gilt als ’Godfather of Digital Cumbia', einer Musikrichtung, die sich in den 1990er Jahre als elektronische Variante aus der kolumbianischen Cumbia-Tanzmusik entwickelte. Dick El Demasiado überschreitet musikalisch die Grenzen der traditionellen Rhythmen und verfolgt einen experimentellen Musikstil zwischen Rock und Electro.

"...cumbia has steadily spread to the world in the past several years and into the club scene as well, led by Manu Chao and this eccentric Dutch man based in Argentina, Dick El Demasiado. If Manu was missionary style, Dick is stand-up doggy style." (Shinya Matsuyama, Intoxicate, Japan)

Das Konzert beginnt um 22 Uhr, Einlass 21 Uhr. Die Ausstellungen sind von 21 bis 22 Uhr geöffnet. Eintritt 3 Euro (mit Jahreskarte gratis) Kunsthalle Fridericianum Friedrichsplatz 18, 34117 Kassel www.fridericianum-kassel.de

Pressestimmen und Plattenkritiken:
"Musician. Filmmaker. Producer. Writer. Artist. Dick el Demasiado, known to his legion of fans as the Cumbia king, has done it all. Breaking musical boundaries and relishing in the success of a career that follows its own path, by bucking tradition he has embraced a freedom that enables him to expand horizons most artists only dream of." (Stef Schwalb, Museyon Guides, USA, complete interview on http://www.museyon.com/blog/2009/11/02/its-good-to-be-king/)

"Cumbia's B-to-D-class/comical latin flavor has been enhanced through the powers of this exceptional talent. It's like the magical powers/strangeness of Sensha Yoshida's absurd comics has been honed to a peak. (...) If poison was served in such a large portion, it is the greatest poison." marked: 9 out of 10 (Mitsuhiko Terashita, Music Magazine, Japan)

He aggressively crosses over the boarder of cumbia and pursues a
diverse style of music that reminds you of Frank Zappa, Tom Ze, and Biz Markie (...) This artist is one who has tasted both the bitter and the sweet." (Masaaki Hara, in a second longer review , Music Magazine, Japan)

"His strange sound has gradually spread from Argentina to all over the world. ZZK, a label that specializes in digital cumbia, also announces influences by him and pays him respect by calling him 'Cumbia King'. (...) While Dick's sounds are naturally based on the dull and cheap 2-beat, they also relate to the US electro-rock of the '90s such as the Butthole Surfers and Sun City Girls, as well as the west-Japan experimental rock such as Omoide Hatoba and the Boredoms." (Shinya Matsuyama, Spa !, Japan)

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