urban research
program 2:
The Future is Now, the City Imagination

Wednesday, 15 February 18:00

Directors Lounge at Naherholung Sternchen
Berolinastraße 7
10178 Berlin / Mitte
(Ubhf- Schillingstraße
hinter Kino International / Rathaus Mitte)

The city we live in consists of much more than what we directly experience, and the program dealing with this idea "naturally" turns out to be divers and colourful. The things we see, the social environment we live in and experience is only one part of our "life in the city". The other part consists of news, media, stories, gossip, and an increasing number of images, shared and received on public and private channels. Thus, life in the city (let's call it a specific city: Berlin, Hamburg, London, L.A., or Singapor, you name it) does not turn into a storyline, I don't live "the story of my life", but it turns into a multifaceted image. As a consequence, we might say, city life in large parts is made of private and public, shared and unshared imaginations.

Beate  Hecher  AT  Silent Circles  3 min 00  2007

Marjorie  Hernandez Tejada  VE  Here  5 min 48  2011

Curtis  Burz  DE  I Never Told You What I Do For A Living  12 min 11  2010

Hirakawa Youki  JP  Depth of Whisper  4 min 00  2011

Alastair  Cook  UK  Filmpoem 15  02 min 07

Petra  Lottje  DE  Go West  1 min14  2007-2011

Henry  Gwiazda  US  Infectious  2 min 03  2009

Henry  Gwiazda  US  ThankfullyŠŠFinally  3 min 10  2009

Isabelle Martin BE Tu As Loué Une Voiture Pour Pleurer (Crying In Our Cars) 15 min 00 2010

Ayman  Nahle  LB  Myths of Everyday, Page 5  2 min 15  2011

Ayman  Nahle  LB  Myths of Everyday, Page 8  2 min 02  2011

Klaus W. Eisenlohr  DE  Phantasma Pripyat  13 min 23  2011

Monika  Rechsteiner  CH  To Be Continued  32 min 00  2011

Jaime  Rguez  ES  Transit  3 min 43  2011

Suman & Sourav  [TAXI]  IN  Swimming Around  2 min 35  2009

Find more infos on the films and the program at:

The 8th Berlin International Directors Lounge 2012
9-19 February 2012
open daily from 18:00
daily program, screening, installations, bar, lounge and music
doors free until 10 pm
richfilm productions, Klaus W. Eisenlohr, Osnabrücker Str. 25, D-10589 Berlin

eMail Adresse:          off...@richfilm.de
Homepage !!!            http://www.kw-eisenlohr.de
Film Produktion:                http://www.richfilm.de

Telefon:                        int.- 49 - (0)30 - 3409 5343 (BERLIN)
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