Online now: 
Sarah KENDERDINE: Experimental Museology - Sculpting Cultural Data

Keynote held at Research Summit "Making Digital Heritage Multisensory"
Department for Image Science, Danube University Krems.

PROFESSOR DR. SARAH KENDERDINE researches at the forefront of
interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives
and museums. Her internationally exhibited and critically acclaimed
works amalgamate cultural heritage and new media in the fields of
interactive cinema, augmented reality and embodied narrative. Most
recently, Kenderdine was the founding director of the Expanded
Perception and Interaction Centre (EPICentre) at UNSW Australia, where
she pioneered new visualization frameworks for medicine, engineering and
the arts. In 2017, she was appointed Professor of Digital Museology at
the École  polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where she is
building a new laboratory to explore the convergence of aesthetic
practice, visual analytics and cultural data.

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