
'An Alliance Dilemma? Understanding Romanian Foreign Policy in the Context
of Transatlantic Divergences', by Mircea Micu

18.30 - 20.30, The Romanian Cultural Centre, 8th floor, 54-62 Regent Street,
London W1B 5RE; Tel. 020 7439 4052, ext 102; e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Entry is free but booking is essential.

Rejoining the transatlantic family after almost 50 years on the dark side of
the Iron Curtain did not bring Romania the desired peace of mind. As certain
American and European international polices became excruciatingly divergent,
Romania (like many other former communist countries in the region) was
caught in the middle and pressured to take one side or another.

This paper tries to answer key questions such as 'What prompted Romania to
align sometimes with the US and other times with the EU when these two major
allies defended antagonistic positions?' 'Did Romania take a course of
action out of fear of losing the support of the stronger ally or fear of
being confronted with retaliatory measures?' or 'Did Romania cunningly
calculate the costs and benefits before each decision in order to maximise
the benefits?' or 'Were Romania's policy decisions the projection of an
ongoing process of societal transformation or the manifestation of evolving
identities and interests?'.

To answer these questions, the author employs the explanatory power of three
dominant international theories (realism, liberalism and constructivism) on
four case studies in which American and European stances clashed and Romania
was under great pressure to support one side or another (the War on Iraq,
the International Criminal Court, Kyoto Protocol and international child
adoptions). - Mircea Micu

Mircea Micu is currently reading for a postgraduate diploma in diplomatic
studies at the University of Oxford.

David Webster, Director of the Anglo-Romanian Economic and Political Forum,
will chair the discussions.

Organised by The Ratiu Foundation UK
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Romanian Cultural Centre London:

Copyright C2006-2007 Romanian Cultural Centre London

"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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