Corruption 'a norm' in Romania
Publié: mercredi 2 mai 2007

rruption-romania/article-137945> Transparency International's leader on
corruption in Romania, Brussels' efforts seem to have had little effect upon
the corrupt environment in Romania. The population take corruption for
granted - a norm. After living five years in Afghanistan, I had the
impression that I had lived through the epitome of corruption. But, that was
before coming to Romania.

>From personal experience I have learned, for example, when one requires
hospital treatment it is necessary to have deep pockets. Doctors will not
look at you if you do not offer a few bank notes in advance. And, if
overnight stays are necessary, the nursing staff will do nothing without
another few notes. The mother of a friend of mine died in a hospital where
no treatment was offered for her excessively high blood pressure and severe
nose-bleeds, other than to stuffing her nose with old cloth to avoid
contaminating the bed!

Justice is another area of serious corruption. I have personal experience of
this as, when I went to see lawyers concerning a penal action that I wished
to take out against a Romanian citizen for fraud, I was staggered when
informed that a certain amount of money had to be set aside for bribing the
authorities to do their job correctly. In this case, some $4,000.

In brief, nothing can be done at any level in Romania without deep pockets
and a generous distribution of cash. Corruption is rife at all levels of
society and the higher it is within the society the more corrupt it becomes!
Is this what Europe wants from allowing Romania into its club?

Bucharest, Romania

"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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