
Earthtimes.org (Press Release)

New Center in Romania to Aid Missing and Exploited Children
Posted on : 2007-06-19 | Author : International Centre for Missing &
Exploited Children
News Category : PressRelease

ALEXANDRIA, Va., June 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- To combat the growing
problem of missing and exploited children, including child trafficking and
child prostitution, a new non-governmental organization (NGO), The Romanian
Center for Missing and Exploited Children has opened in Bucharest, Romania.

The new center will work closely with government, law enforcement, other
non-governmental organizations, and the general public on cases involving
and issues affecting missing and sexually exploited children and their

The new center is a member of the global network that is being created by
the U.S.-based International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
(ICMEC). The new Romanian Center was modeled after the National Center for
Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the U.S. and Child Focus in Belgium.

Why Romania?

-- The number of missing children reported missing in Romania has steadily
increased from 244 in 2003, to 660 in 2004, to 750 in 2005.
-- There are an estimated 100,000 homeless children throughout Eastern
Europe, including 2,000 in Romania. Child trafficking and child prostitution
are problems in Romania and represent a large threat throughout Eastern
Europe. Homeless or "street" children are frequent victims. An estimated 5
percent of the homeless children in Romania are forced into child
-- An estimated 30% of sex workers in Bucharest are under 18 years of age.
Romania, and in particular Bucharest, is one of the key travel destinations
in Europe for child sex offenders.
-- Romania is a country of origin and transit for women and girls who are
internationally trafficked from Moldova, Ukraine, and other parts of the
former Soviet Union to Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
-- Romania has the seventh largest population and the ninth largest
territory in the European Union. It is the largest country in Southeastern
Europe and the twelfth largest in all of Europe. Romania is not only a
leader in shaping policies of Eastern Europe, but it now enjoys membership
in the European Union.

The new center was established through the leadership and efforts of Mihaela
Geoana who will serve as the organization's Chairman of the Board. Mrs.
Geoana is a Board Member of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited
Children (ICMEC), and wife of the former Foreign Minister of Romania.

The new Romanian Center will provide a variety of information and services
for both law enforcement officials and the public, including the following:

-- Operate a new 24-hour call center to receive and manage reports of
missing and sexually exploited children;
-- Establish networks within Romanian stakeholders who work to report and
solve cases involving missing and sexually exploited children;
-- Facilitate communications and coordination with similar centers
throughout the world;
-- Establish a system to monitor and track cases;
-- Develop a national network of volunteers that will be trained and
utilized in search operations;
-- Provide technical assistance to professionals who interact with children
and their families to be responsive to the special needs of victim children
and their families;
-- Increase public education and awareness about the issues of missing and
exploited children through media campaigns, conferences, workshops and other
events; and
-- Establish a monitoring system to help prevent children from becoming
victims of Internet child pornography.

"The problems of child abduction and child sexual exploitation need to be
addressed on a global basis. Creating regional and national centers similar
to the new center in Romania is critical to eliminating the problems of
child victimization," said Ernie Allen, President and CEO of ICMEC. "There
is no greater priority than protecting children and keeping them safe."

The new Romanian Center opened on May 25 -- the day set aside around the
world to remember missing children who have not yet been recovered and to
celebrate those missing children who have been safely returned to their
families. Funding for the new center will be through private donations, with
special thanks to lead corporate donors, TOTAL and Microsoft Corporation.

About The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

ICMEC is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization. It
is the leading organization working on a global basis to combat child
abduction and exploitation. It is the sister organization of the National
Center for Missing & Exploited Children. For more information, visit
<http://www.icmec.org/> http://www.icmec.org/ < <http://www.icmec.org/>
http://www.icmec.org/> .

International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

CONTACT: NCMEC Communications Department, +1-703-837-6111,

Web site:  <http://www.icmec.org/> http://www.icmec.org/

C 2007 earthtimes.org

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greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

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