Romanian politics mired in abuse
By Petru Clej 
BBC Romanian Service    

Insults are flying as never before in an electoral campaign in Romania. 

"Oligarch!", "drunkard!", "throw them overboard!" - these are just a few of
the phrases relentlessly assaulting the public ear, day in, day out. 

The campaign for the 19 May referendum on whether to dismiss President
Traian Basescu has reached a frenzy, each side outbidding the other in
aggressive language. 

Opinion polls, few and far between and not very reliable, point to a
comfortable victory for the president, by a margin of two to one. 

If mass rallies are any indication, then Mr Basescu wins hands down. On
Sunday, about 50,000 people turned out in the north-eastern city of Iasi. 

The president's supporters outnumbered his foes by about three to one. In
other cities - Craiova and Bucharest - it was the same story at the weekend.

Campaign abroad 

Nor is the campaign limited to Romania. Rallies have been held in support of
Mr Basescu by Romanian diaspora in Paris, London, Madrid, Montreal, Chisinau
and other cities. 

By far the largest rally was held in Castellon, a Spanish town by the
Mediterranean, where 10,000 Romanians turned out for Mr Basescu. 

Romanians make up about a quarter of Castellon's population of 150,000,
which prompted the Romanian foreign ministry to open a polling station in
the town. 

About 800,000 Romanians live and work in Spain and interest in the
referendum is strong. 

Mr Basescu was suspended by parliament on 19 April for "grave infringements
of the constitution", although the constitutional court, which was called
upon to issue a non-binding opinion, said there had been no major

The MPs' vote, 322 in favour of suspension and 108 against, seems to defy
the popular mood. 

Anti-presidential politicians accuse the president of totalitarian
tendencies and subverting the government and parliament. 

In fact, for Mr Basescu's supporters "322" has become like the "number of
the devil". 

The youth wing of the Democratic Party (PD), which supports Mr Basescu, has
installed 322 spikes in a Bucharest park. They recall a medieval method of
executing political foes devised by Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian
15th-Century prince, who remains prominent in the popular psyche. 

Violent language 

This symbolic "execution" drew the ire of the European Socialists - no doubt
alerted by the anti-Basescu Social Democratic Party (PSD), which labelled it
"an attack on parliament". 

Mr Basescu has in turn received support from the European People's Party
(EPP), the largest in the European Parliament, of which the PD is a member. 

Mr Basescu has called on the public to "throw the 322 overboard!", labelled
the leaders of the anti-presidential coalition "oligarchs" - without
producing much evidence - and hinted that Russia might have been involved in
his suspension, allegedly for his pro-Western foreign policy. 

The PSD leader, Mircea Geoana, called Mr Basescu a "drunkard" and "head of
the mafia". 

Most of the media have abandoned any pretence of impartiality, often
amplifying the violence of the message. 

The general tone of the debate prompted King Michael, the former head of
state until 1947, to show his exasperation and warn that the current crisis
could endanger Romania's position abroad. 

Indeed, since EU accession on 1 January, Romanian politicians have spent
much time bickering. 

The European Union has shown increasing impatience, but for the moment this
does not seem to register in Romania. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/05/14 17:19:51 GMT

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