[Romania-News] Badaranii!

2006-06-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Pe primul loc in Europa la mitocanie...  Nici nu e de mirare cand, vorba lui Dan Chisu, pe locul 2 la "10 pentru Romania" e propus Jiji... :(     Vali An aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour.  A person's greatness comes from acknowledg

[Romania-News] Protest fata de mutilarea Bucurestilor

2006-07-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
  ZIUA - SOCIAL - Luni, 24 iulie 2006 Protest fata de mutilarea Bucurestilor Zeci de bucuresteni au participat ieri la un miting de protest pentru a cere "Salvarea cladirilor si pietelor istorice si a parcurilor din Bucuresti! Sa facem din Bucuresti o capitala europeana!". Protestatari

[Romania-News] Festivals & Events - August 2006

2006-08-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Festivals & Events - August 2006 August 1, 2006 Baia Mare Festival of Classical & Medieval Music (Noaptea Menestrelilor )Folk music and poems. More Info:Telephone: 0742.558.133 August 1 - 6, 2006 Sibiu5th Edition of The National Festival of Folk Traditions (Festivalul National al Tradi

[Romania-News] Rosia Montana este in Romania

2006-08-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Miruna MUNTEANU: Rosia Montana este in Romania "Noi, rosienii, vrem minerit!" - striga o tinerica exaltata, la "dezbaterea" desfasurata saptamana trecuta, la Romexpo, cu privire la controversatul proiect Rosia Montana. Facea parte din lotul de localnici care isi incepeau invariabil discur

[Romania-News] Romania demands equality

2006-08-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania demands equality By Nicholas Wood International Herald TribunePublished: August 29, 2006   BUCHAREST President Traian Basescu of Romania, wading into the European debate on immigration, has played down fears of a mass influx of job seekers when his country and Bulg

[Romania-News] Fanii lui Rebreanu, saltati la Chisinau

2006-08-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Pentru politistii moldoveni, data de 30 august nu se afla in intervalul 29-31 august...ValiAn aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour.  A person's greatness comes from acknowledging the mistakes and agreeing to correct them."When the power o

[Romania-News] Britain considers limits on immigration from Romania, Bulgaria

2006-08-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Britain considers limits on immigration from Romania, Bulgaria The Associated Press THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 2006   LONDON Since the European Union expanded eastwards to take in 10 new countries in 2004, hundreds of thousands of migrants from former communist states have flocked

[Romania-News] Bucharest renews its Old Town

2006-09-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Bucharest renews its Old Town 01/09/2006 Bucharest's Old Town, which managed to survive communist reforms with its character still intact, is set to undergo renovations that will modernise utilities, but maintain the architecture and personality of the area. By Paul Ciocoiu for South


2006-09-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Este un hoax.  Vezi http://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2002-011511-0444-99&tabid=1 sau oricare din cele 1.890.000 rezultate ale cautarii pe Google cu keywords "life is beautiful hoax" (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-02,GGL

[Romania-News] Mitulescu, spre Oscar

2006-09-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Mitulescu, spre Oscar8 Septembrie 2006Florentina CiuvercaFilmul romanesc selectat sa ne reprezinte la inceputul anului viitor la Premiile Oscar, „Cum mi-am petrecut sfarsitul lumii”, in regia lui Catalin Mitulescu, participa astazi si la una dintre cele mai importante competitii cinematog

[Romania-News] Cetatenii pot contesta in instanta proiectele daunatoare mediului

2006-09-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Cetatenii pot contesta in instanta proiectele daunatoare mediului   Orice persoana va avea posibilitatea sa participe la procesul de luare a deciziilor in cazul unor proiecte din domeniile agriculturii, industriei si constructiilor care au impact asupra mediului, precum si sa conteste in

[Romania-News] Bilingual anthology of Romanian poetry launched in Bucharest

2006-09-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Bilingual anthology of Romanian poetry launched in BucharestDana Milea An anthology of Romanian poetry which was published this year in the U.S. by the Talisman House Publishers, will be launched on September 19 at the Writers Union in Bucharest. The volume entitled "Born in Utopia/Nascu

[Romania-News] Bucharest Francophone - the name of culture

2006-09-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Bucharest Francophone - the name of cultureDana Milea Between September 22 and 30, the francophone world descends on the streets of the capital city, as shows, concerts, outdoor film screenings and exhibitions of art from the francophone countries will take place under the title of Buc

[Romania-News] World Bank praises Romanian reforms

2006-09-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
World Bank praises Romanian reformsCiprian Domnisoru "Romania is second in the world as to the reforms made in the past two years. This will contribute not only to the development of the business environment, but also to growth in the number of jobs," said Simeon Djankov, one of the au

[Romania-News] The 'Days of Bucharest' kick off today

2006-09-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The ‘Days of Bucharest’ kick off today   For five days, the old centre of the city will become an open stage for artistic events, which will emphasize the beauty of the old town.   published in issue 3770 page 12 at 2006-09-20   BUCHAREST - The Bucharesters have the occasion to get amus

[Romania-News] Terry Fox Run

2006-09-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Thursday 2006 September 21Your Saturday Morning Event: Terry Fox RunAIM:The aim of the run is to raise money for cancer research. There is no entrance fee, however all participants are encouraged to make a donation on the day of the event. A donation table will be set up for this purpose.

[Romania-News] Festivals & Events - October 2006

2006-10-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Festivals & Events - October 2006 October 5-8, 2006Sibiu, Asociatia Culturala InterzoneContemporary Music Festival “Jazz and More” (Festival De Muzica Contemporana) October 11-17, 2006IasiCelebration of Iasi (Zilele Orasului Iasi) The festival will feature a craftsmen's fair, a turn-of-

[Romania-News] RE: Festivals & Events - October 2006

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Scuze,   Am inteles ca data la care va avea loc Concertul din Pestera este 22 octombrie (si nu 23, cum am preluat din anuntul publicat pe http://www.romaniatourism.com/october.html).  Imediat ce voi afla detalii le voi posta.     Vali An aristocratic title is

[Romania-News] Anunt vize SUA

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
4 Octombrie 2006 Atentie! Formularul electronic de solicitare a vizelor temporare este obligatoriu începând cu 1 noiembrie 2006   Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii la Bucuresti va anunta ca începând cu 1 noiembrie 2006 toti solicitantii de vize turistice, de afaceri, de student si a cel

RE: [Romania-News] Il Tempo: Romanii, "rasa cea mai violenta"

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
> Pana nu se va reusi starppirea tiganimii...   > Tiganii la cersit trebuie exterminati indiferent de nationalitate...   Rog moderatorul sa anunte daca permite (incurajeaza?) mesaje rasiste, incitare la ura etc.  In functie de raspuns voi decide daca mai raman sau nu membru al acestei list

[Romania-News] Romanian Peasant Museum celebrates 100 years

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romanian Peasant Museum celebrates 100 yearsDana Milea The Romanian Peasant Museum began Thursday the program of events with which it celebrates "one hundred years of singularity" - 100 years since the establishment of the institution. October will be a month full of celebrations for the

[Romania-News] No more visas for UK by December

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
UK ambassador: No more visas for UK by DecemberDenisa Maruntoiu The British ambassador to Romania, Robin Barnett, said yesterday that Great Britain will lift the entry visas for Romanian citizens by no later than December 31. According to Barnett, the British government has not yet mad

[Romania-News] Romania - sub media europeana in ceea ce priveste calitatea educatiei

2006-10-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Interviu HotNews.roRomania - sub media europeana in ceea ce priveste calitatea educatieiValentin Cotarta: Domnule comisar Figel, cum pozitionati Romania inaintea aderarii la Uniunea Europeana in domeniul educatiei?Jan Figel: Trebuie sa pornim de la analiza indicatoriilor statistici europe

[Romania-News] Pana la urma, care-i diferenta...

2006-10-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
...intre mai vechiul "mai, animalule!" si actualul "mai, gaozarule!" ?  Si una, si alta sunt jignitoare pentru interlocutori si descalificante pentru autorii lor, dar expresia folosita acum de Basescu (preluata, parca, din vocabularul lui Jiji & Co.) e prea de tot!  

[Romania-News] Off Topic

2006-10-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Happy Thanksgiving tuturor canadienilor si Happy Columbus Day tuturor americanilor de pe lista!     Vali An aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour.  A person's greatness comes from acknowledging the mistakes and agreeing to correct them.

[Romania-News] Trei filme romanesti la cel mai important festival Nord American

2006-10-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Trei filme romanesti la cel mai important festival Nord American10/8/2006 Un articol de Bogdan Sava pentru Ghidul Romanilor Spectatorii aflati la cea de a 42a editie a Festivalului International de Film de la Chicago, care se desfasoara intre 5 si 19 octombrie, vor putea viziona peste 100

[Romania-News] Betting on the Future: Romania Wagers on its Students

2006-10-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Betting on the Future: Romania Wagers on its StudentsPar : Marius Calu le : 08 Oct, 2006 [09:12 UTC] (23 lectures)   Romania, 2007, a fresh member of the E.U. = a country with forms, but without substance?   This is the question which should concern all the Romanians, as future members of

[Romania-News] Romania commemorates Holocaust victims

2006-10-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania commemorates Holocaust victimsThe Associated PressPublished: October 9, 2006BUCHAREST, Romania Romania commemorated its national Holocaust day on Monday with ceremonies marking 65 years since the beginning of deportations of hundreds of thousands of Jews to death camps in the occu

[Romania-News] Romania rife with low-level corruption

2006-10-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania rife with low-level corruption The Commission wants to integrate Romania into the EU on 1 January 2007 – if the country can keep its corruption under control. A feature from Siebenbürgen.   "Nu da spaga!" – "Don’t pay bribes!" The poster, which adorns a window of the station hall

[Romania-News] Doing business in Southeast Europe

2006-10-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
SETimes Published on SETimes (http://www.setimes.com) http://www.setimes.com/cocoon/setimes/xhtml/en_GB/features/setimes/articles/2006/10/09/reportage-01 Doing business in Southeast Europe 09/10/2006 Two Balkan countries made the Top Ten Reformers list in the World Bank's latest Doin

[Romania-News] Roman legion parade in Bucharest

2006-10-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Roman legion parade in BucharestDana Milea Soldiers from the Legion 15 Apollinaris will parade Friday at noon from the National Military Center to the National Museum of History (on Victoria Avenue) to mark 1900 years sin

[Romania-News] IMF urges Romania to cut budget deficit

2006-10-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
 World financial body urges Romania to cut budget deficit The Associated Press TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2006   BUCHAREST, Romania The International Monetary Fund urged Romania to cut its budget deficit and keep public sector wages under control to ensure economic stability, officia

[Romania-News] EP internal report denounces Romania's in-house political problems

2006-10-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
EP internal report denounces Romania's in-house political problemsDenisa Maruntoiu The National Liberal Party is controlled by oligarchs, the disclosure of the former Securitate collaborators is a scheme to compromise reformists, and the government is torn apart by internal conflicts an

[Romania-News] Second-class citizens

2006-10-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Second-class citizensWhat a shame that Britain, a democratic flag-bearer, wants to discriminate against us Romanians.Cristina IrimieThursday October 26, 2006The Guardian When John Reid announced his plans for restrictions on Romanian and Bulgarians working in Britain, it took Romanians

[Romania-News] Romanian nominee withdraws candidacy for EU Commission

2006-10-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romanian nominee withdraws candidacy for EU CommissionThe Associated PressPublished: October 28, 2006BUCHAREST, Romania Romania's nominee for its representative on the European Union Commission, Varujan Vosganian, on Saturday announced he has withdrawn his candidacy for the position.Vosga

[Romania-News] Secretary Of State Leonard Orban Is Romania's New Candidate For EC Job

2006-10-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Secretary Of State Leonard Orban Is Romania’s New Candidate For EC Job - Sources   BUCHAREST, Oct 29 Secretary of state with the Ministry of European Integration, or MIE, Leonard Orban, is Romania’s new candidate for the position of European Comm

[Romania-News] Viza SUA, cu formular electronic

2006-10-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Viza SUA, cu formular electronic30 Octombrie 2006Constantin VladDe miercuri, e obligatorie completarea pe calculator a cererii de viza. Ambasada SUA la Bucuresti instiinteaza din nou despre modificarile aparute in solicitarea vizelor turistice, de afaceri, de student si a celorlalte tipur

[Romania-News] Leonard Orban - CV

2006-10-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
30.10.2006Leornard Orban - noul candidat pentru postul de comisar european - CV Varujan Vosganian s-a retras din cursa pentru numirea comisarului european. Leornard Orban este noul candidat pentu postul de comisar. Premierul Calin Popescu

[Romania-News] A Thousand Books

2006-11-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Va invit sa urmariti un interviu cu prietenul nostru John Korst: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqLtIn_LhcY     Vali An aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour.  A person's greatness comes from acknowledging the mistakes and agreeing to cor

[Romania-News] Festivals & Events - November 2006

2006-11-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Festivals & Events - November 2006 November 12, 2006Dumbravita – 7 miles away from Baia MareFestival of Folk Music, Dance and Traditions(Cantec si Joc pe Plai Strabun) Discover this region of the country with its unique way of life, where history is written more on wood than on paper an

[Romania-News] A fost sau n-a fost?

2006-11-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Porumboiu se lupta pentru Oscarul European de Nicoleta Zaharia   In 2005, Cristi Puiu a fost nominalizat la doua categorii ale Premiilor Europene de Film (cel mai bun regizor si cel mai bun scenarist - impreuna cu Razvan Radulescu), pentru "Moartea domnului Lazarescu". Anul acesta, a ven

[Romania-News] Radu Jude - marele premiu la Montpellier

2006-11-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Radu Jude a castigat marele premiu pentru scurtmetraj la Festivalul de la MontpellierRegizorul Radu Jude a castigat marele premiu pentru scurtmetraj, pentru filmul "Lampa cu caciula", in cadrul celei de-a 28-a editii a Festivalului Filmului Mediteranean de la Montpellier, transmite France

[Romania-News] In premiera, harta tuturor parcurilor nationale si naturale

2006-11-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Harta Romaniei National Geographic in premiera   Bucuresti, 06 Noiembrie 2006 - In numarul din Noiembrie 2006, revista National Geographic, ofera in premiera cititorilor harta Romaniei care include toate parcurile nationale si naturale.Harta Romaniei este oferita gratuit alaturi de editia

[Romania-News] EU enlargement impact on research in Bulgaria, Romania and the EU

2006-11-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
 EU enlargement - what impact on research in Bulgaria, Romania and the EU? [Date: 2006-11-07] When the European Commission approved the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union on 26 September, reactions around Europe were mixed. Commentators honed in on immigration, the

[Romania-News] Romania bids to host 2008 NATO summit

2006-11-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania bids to host 2008 NATO summit7 November 2006 | 11:48 | Source: AHNBUCHAREST -- Romanian Foreign Minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu said his country has submitted its bid to host the 2008 NATO summit.Ungureanu told the newspaper that Romania's bid is being supported by Canada, the U.S.

[Romania-News] Romania plans ski resorts in 8 National Parks

2006-11-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania plans ski resorts in 8 National Parks 16 Nov 2006 WWF is deeply concerned about Ski in Romania, a national plan for developing skiing across Romania that includes construction of ski resorts and ski runs in 8 of the country's n

[Romania-News] Romanian paper raps British tabloids

2006-11-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
11.30am Romanian paper raps British tabloids Katy Duke Friday November 17, 2006 MediaGuardian.co.uk Romania's biggest selling newspaper has launched a campaign branding British people "paedophiles,

[Romania-News] Punerea in circulatie a bancnotei de 200 lei

2006-11-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Prezentarea guvernatorului BNR Mugur Isarescu, la conferinta de presa, 14 noiembrie 2006: http://www.bnro.ro/Ro/Prez/R20061114guv200RON.pdf Vali An aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour. A person's greatness comes from acknowledging the mista

[Romania-News] Un eveniment: Soljenitin publicat in Rusia

2006-11-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
First volumes of Solzhenitsyn's oeuvre published in Russia The Associated Press Published: November 17, 2006 Alexander Solzhenitsyn's wife on Thursday presented the initial three volumes of the first full collection of his works to be

[Romania-News] Hungary says it's "full of concerns" about gold mine project in Romania

2006-11-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Hungary says it's "full of concerns" about gold mine project in Romania The Associated Press Published: November 16, 2006 Hungary is still worried that a planned gold mine in neighboring Romania could lead to the repeat

[Romania-News] Romanian FM: British government should get involved

2006-11-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania says British government should issue statement criticizing tabloid report The Associated Press Published: November 18, 2006 Romania's foreign minister on Saturday suggested that the British governm

[Romania-News] Romanian culture abroad

2006-11-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romanian culture abroad Several Romanian bands, ensembles and choirs will hold a series of concerts in 24 cathedrals from Europe, within the programme "Romania in Advent". published in issue 3817 page 12

[Romania-News] Populist leader bellies up to the bar and shakes up Romanian politics

2006-11-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
AP Interview: Populist leader bellies up to the bar and shakes up Romanian politics The Associated Press Published: November 24, 2006 Pop by the Golden Blitz pub during happy hour, and you just might run into

[Romania-News] Tourism and Romania's wasted potential

2006-11-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Tourism and Romania's wasted potential By Vivid writer: Mark Percival Posted: 23/11/2006 Ever since the fall of the Ceausescu r

[Romania-News] Raportul Moscovici a trecut de Parlamentul European

2006-11-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Raportul Moscovici a trecut de Parlamentul European Plenul Parlamentului European a votat, joi, raportul lui Pierre Moscovici, referitor la aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana. Documentul a primit 54

[Romania-News] Festivals & Events - December 2006

2006-12-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Festivals & Events - December 2006 December 1 - 3, 2006 Bucharest, Museum of the Romanian Peasant Winter Gifts Festival (Targul Cadourilor de Iarna) December marks the opening of the Winter Gifts

[Romania-News] La Multi Ani, Romania!

2006-12-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEdPoPkUsYc Vali An aristocratic title is not enough to ensure a noble behaviour. A person's greatness comes from acknowledging the mistakes and agreeing to correct them. "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world

[Romania-News] Tara corupta, oameni nemultumiti. Desigur, Romania

2006-12-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The Gallup Corruption Index tracks the likelihood of populations around the globe to perceive widespread corruption in their government and businesses. Initial findings reveal that perceptions of corruption are prevalent in a majority of the 101 countries ranked. Index scores are significantly rela

[Romania-News] Vatican asks Romania to stop construction threatening cathedral

2006-12-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Vatican asks Romania to stop construction threatening cathedral By Cindy Wooden 12/4/2006 Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Vatican publicly has asked the Romanian government to halt the construction of a skysc

[Romania-News] Am putea scapa de viza pentru Statele Unite ale Americii

2006-12-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
9 Decembrie 2006 Am putea scapa de viza pentru Statele Unite ale Americii Proiect de lege pentru recompensarea statelor care participa cu trupe la razboiul antiterorist. Senatorul republican american George Voinovich, membru al Comisiei pentru rela

[Romania-News] A Small Victory Called Route 66a

2006-12-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
ENVIRONMENT-ROMANIA: A Small Victory Called Route 66a Vesna Peric Zimonjic BELGRADE, Dec. 9 (IPS) - The controversy over construction of a major highway in western Romania that threatens to destroy the precious Retezat and Domogled natural reserve pa

[Romania-News] Communism exhibition

2006-12-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Capital to see major Communism exhibition on Ceausescu birthday Minister of Culture Adrian Iorgulescu is in discussions with Mihai Rozeanu, director of the National Museum of Contemporary Arts (MNAC), to hold a pioneering exhibition about

[Romania-News] The main economic challenges for Romania in 2007

2006-12-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
What are the main economic challenges that Romania will have to face in 2007? Florin Pogonaru, president of the Romanian Businessmen's Association Next year's biggest challenge will be the powerful crisis in the labour market. Others relate to the rh

RE: [Romania-News] intimidare in stilul anilor de trista amintire...

2006-12-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Daca sunteti curiosi, la http://profiles.yahoo.com/irineldenisa o puteti admira in toata goliciunea pe "irineldenisa"... Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness." (Carlo Goldoni) "When the power of love overcomes t

[Romania-News] Somnul arhitectilor naste monstri urbani

2006-12-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Somnul arhitectilor naste monstri urbani in Cotidianul. Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness." (Carlo Goldoni) "When the power of love over

[Romania-News] Romania exposes communist crimes

2006-12-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania exposes communist crimes By Petru Clej BBC News As many as two million people were killed or persecuted by the former communist authorities in Romania, an official report says. The report was presented to parliament by Romanian President

[Romania-News] Parliamentary row in Romania over state condemnation of communism

2006-12-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Europe News Parliamentary row in Romania over state condemnation of communism By DPA Dec 18, 2006, 17:32 GMT Bucharest - A Romanian parliamentary session aimed

[Romania-News] Romania cancels CEC bank privatization, unhappy with bids

2006-12-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania cancels CEC bank privatization, unhappy with bids The Associated Press Friday, December 22, 2006 BUCHAREST, Romania The Romanian government on Friday canceled the privatization of the country's

[Romania-News] Un articol si o replica

2006-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The Observer a publicat in ultimul numar un articol despre Sibiu, capitala culturala europeana peste numai cateva zile. Continand suficiente erori si exagerari, nu e de mirare ca articolul a fost urmat de o replica. Si, vorba autorului replicii: e pacat ca un reporter care semneaza la un ziar ata

[Romania-News] Praga, capitala Romaniei :)

2006-12-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
De-abia ne obisnuisem cu confuzii de genul "Budapesta, capitala Romaniei", ca iata, vine "Washington Times" sa ne confuzeze de tot! Sub titlul Romanians view joining EU with misgivings, ziarul publica in editia de astazi un articol sem

[Romania-News] IHT: Town in Romania debates mine proposal

2006-12-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
International Herald Tribune Town in Romania debates mine proposal By Elisabeth Rosenthal Wednesday, December 27, 2006 ROSIA MONTANA, Romania It is a classic tale of the developing world: a rich North American company discovers gold und

[Romania-News] Sighetul, intre Craciun si Boboteaza

2006-12-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Sighetul, intre Craciun si Boboteaza Caterina NICOLAE | 29 decembrie 2006 "La mijlocul cerului/ Este un pom al raiului/ Dar

[Romania-News] Muzeele fac "Noapte Alba" pe 30 decembrie

2006-12-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Muzeele fac "Noapte Alba" pe 30 decembrie Ziarul Gandul | 29 decembrie 2006 Muzeele din intreaga tara, aflate in subordinea Ministerului Culturii si Cultelor (MC

[Romania-News] Romania sorting out EU myths

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Miami Herald Posted on Fri, Dec. 29, 2006 EUROPE Romania sorting out EU myths A government website lists 22 common myths in circulation in Romania as part of a national campaign to explain the real changes before entering the Europe

[Romania-News] The Eve Of EU Integration...

2006-12-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The Eve Of EU Integration... Integration New Year's Eve - Romania joins EU making noise, with three shows in Bucharest Exquisite guests, sophisticated menus, quality music, lights and fireworks and a few hu

[Romania-News] La Multi Ani!

2006-12-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Fie ca 2007 sa ne aduca liniste si pace, sanatate, bucurii si succese! Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness." (Carlo Goldoni) "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." (Jim

[Romania-News] Romania to show EU what culture can really do

2006-12-31 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Romania to show EU what culture can really do by Gillian HandysideSat Dec 30, 3:29 PM ET Romania has two reasons to be cheerful on January 1. On the very day the country joins the European Union, the medieval town of Sib

[Romania-News] A Faustian Bargain: Romania and Bulgaria Join the EU

2007-01-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
A Faustian Bargain: Romania and Bulgaria Join the EU Bryan Caplan One day I expect my sons to give me a grand tour of Romania. Thanks to their mom, grandparents, and company, my

[Romania-News] IHT: Newest EU citizens wonder what it will mean

2007-01-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
EIN News Quote of the Day: "For the first time, Romanians will have to accept responsibility for themselves." (Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, a Romanian political analyst) International Herald Tribune Europe

[Romania-News] ROMANIAN MIGRANTS: So much for the flood

2007-01-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Hoover's UK: ROMANIAN MIGRANTS: So much for the flood THE first wave of a feared flood of Romanian migrants arrived in Britain yesterday - all FOUR of them. [... ] Copyright C 2006 . MGN Ltd. ---

[Romania-News] NYT: Fighting Over Gold in the Land of Dracula

2007-01-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The New York Times January 3, 2007 Fighting Over Gold in the Land of Dracula By

[Romania-News] The Economist: The new kids on the block

2007-01-04 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
The Economist Bulgaria and Romania The new kids on the block Jan 4th 2007 | BUCHAREST AND SOFIA >From The Economist print edition The European Union's two newest members, Bulgaria and Romania, are both economically and p

[Romania-News] Trecerea la euro subtiaza buzunarele

2007-01-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Trecerea la euro subtiaza buzunarele Publicat: 5 Ianuarie 2007 @ 10:51 Parerea celor mai multi cetateni europeni din zona euro este ca introducerea monedei comune usureaz

[Romania-News] Variety: "Moartea domnului Lazarescu" nominalizat

2007-01-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Clasamentul se gaseste aici: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117956581.html?categoryid=13 &cs=1 Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness." (Carl

[Romania-News] Romania sinks its teeth into the tourist trade

2007-01-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Sun 7 Jan 2007 Romania sinks its teeth into the tourist trade CHRIS STEPHEN IN SIGHISOARA ROMANIANS have gone Dracula crazy, hoping that the country's association with the fictional vampire will trigger a tourist boom. Tourism officials

[Romania-News] NYT: And the Nominees Should Be...

2007-01-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
And the Nominees Should Be... The New York Times January 7, 2007 The ideal slate of Oscar candidates, as chosen by the three critics of The New York Times. De remarcat ca la sectiunea "Cel mai bun scenariu origi

[Romania-News] DW: Romanian Film Sector Attracts International Productions

2007-01-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Deutsche Welle Film | 06.01.2007 Romanian Film Sector Attracts International Productions Romania's film industry tells a story of rags to riches that has caught Hollywood's attention -- starring fresh talent who

[Romania-News] Sibiu, Romania named culture capital

2007-01-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Sibiu, Romania named culture capital By LUCIAN FILIP, Associated Press WriterFri Jan 5, 1:52 PM ET This medieval Saxon city has become one of Europe's official culture capitals, drawing attention to centu

[Romania-News] NPR: Noul centru geografic al UE

2007-01-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Odata cu aderarea Romaniei si Bulgariei, centrul geografic al UE s-a mutat cu vreo 110 mile spre est. Mie mi s-a parut interesant interviul din stirea de mai jos -- un clip audio de 4,5 minute. Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chie

[Romania-News] Buricul UE, in urbea lui Barba Rosie

2007-01-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Buricul UE, in urbea lui Barba Rosie Dupa aderarea Romaniei si Bulgariei la Uniunea Europeana, la 1 ianuarie 2007 s-a mutat si centrul geografic al UE inspre est, mai precis intr-un Barbarossastadt (oras al lui Barba Ro

[Romania-News] Romania's first gift to the European Union - a caucus of neo-fascists and Holocaust deniers

2007-01-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Fotografia lui Vadim din articolul publicat de The Guardian merita vazuta! Face toti banii! Este exemplul perfect al vechiului proverb "A picture's worth a thousand words"... Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of greatness

[Romania-News] UE ne da in judecta la CEJ pentru taxa de prima inmatriculare

2007-01-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
UE ne da in judecta la CEJ pentru taxa de prima inmatriculare Uniunea Eurpeana ne da in judecata la Curtea Europeana de Justietie (CEJ) din cauza taxei pentru prima inmatriculare considerata

[Romania-News] Domnul Lazarescu vs Comisarul Moldovan

2007-01-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
A castigat iar. Un fleac... Domnul Lazarescu vs Comisarul Moldovan Deciziile concursului organizat de Centrul National al Cinematografiei(CNC) in 2006 au dat nastere multor dispute in mediul cultural. Ca de obicei, principalul beneficiar al banilor contribuabililor ramane Sergiu Nicolaescu cu un p

[Romania-News] Romania, new kid on the blog

2007-01-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Margot Wallstrom, Vicepresedinte al Comisiei Europene si Comisar pentru relatii internationale si strategia comunicarii, a ales sa petreaca Revelionul integrarii in Romania. Printre alte subiecte, primul ei blog pe 2007 povesteste cate de mult i-au placut Romania si romanii, carnatii si tzuica de

[Romania-News] Carson efforts continue for project in Romania

2007-01-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Carson efforts continue for project in Romania Posted: 1/14/2007 STORY CHAT(read or post comments) STAFF REPORT

[Romania-News] Fight the colonisation of Romania

2007-01-15 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
TO THE EDITOR: Fight the colonisation of Romania 09:00 Mon 15 Jan 2007 I happened to see a BBC report about a textile company in Romania that was importing "temporary" workers from China because

[Romania-News] The EU's new political force

2007-01-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Proaspata formatiune (la care Romania si-a adus o prima contributie decisiva), cu litere de-o schioapa pe prima pagina a "The Independent": http://www.independent.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00240/p1-160107_240937a.jpg Vali "Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble

[Romania-News] Romania's collective amnesia

2007-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
Signandsights.com Features » Politics And Society 2007-01-17 Romania's collective amnesia Herta Müller on the tenacity of Romania's corrupt secret service. Romania tried to meet the requirements of EU entry. Economically, people are doing well in

[Romania-News] BBC: Romania battles emissions

2007-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
BBC News Romania battles emissions Romania is struggling to bring its carbon emissions in line with EU standards. Click to begin watching: Romania battles emissions

[Romania-News] O scrisoare pierduta... in mahala

2007-01-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali Nas
International Herald Tribune Romania's president accuses premier of asking him to interfere in justice system The Associated Press Wednesday, January 17, 2007 BUCHAREST, Romania Romanian President Traian Basescu accu

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