if you're more into the text-client you could teach it to view all the vcard/ical stuff in a proper manner. this aplies to calendar/adressbook/todo lists too. perhaps somethin like the bsdmainutils:cal view would be cool for that i think. it hilights the actual day on more modern debian systems. doing this with the commandline client would be neat!


speaking about the auto purger... it has aten our citadel documentation room too. this shouldn't happen. there should be an archiving method for public room.

Disk space isn't that expansive anymore than 10 years ago.  pipe it through bzip2, put it into purged/roomname/datebz2, at least for public rooms. we do need a history. else we're like that guy in the william gibbson book, that drops all events longer ago than five minutes. was it mona lisa overdrive? biochips? 

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