there are those of us, who believe that a 'byzantine syntax' is core concept of a wiki.

while fancy html may offer the plethora of format options, this is advantage and disadvantage at once:

 - documents can wysiwyg look like the user wants it to

 - each document ends up looking individual, you end up with something looking like a turkish bazar.

'byzantine syntax' solves this; all documents have the same style.

so, from now on, citadel will offer the choice; you may choose the roomtype 'wiki' as before to get the old behaviour

Next to this, there is a new roomtype, which offers the very same wiki engine with a different document type:


while this is not a classic wiki syntax as i.e. known under wiki-creole, its a syntax gaining more and more ground due to the use on Github, Stack Overflow and various blog softwares.

It also doesn't need any downmix for the textclient, since its pretty well plaintext readable.

We display this by introducing a new mimetype renderer in msg_renderers.c for all documents of the type 'text/x-markdown'.

While this would classicaly mean iso-8859-1 text, we assume this to be UTF-8. To make it clear, we add the proper encoding on saving.


It however introduces two new dependencies:

  - Epic Editor to aid the users during creation.( an alternative may be: )

  - offers libmarkdown2, which seems to be pretty marture since its already available in debian oldstable.


More about Markdown:

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