[Citadel Development] Re: Replacing TinyMCE by CKEditor

2011-07-05 Thread Ford II
I use FCKeditor at work (at least it used to be called FCK editor) and I gotta say, it's got it's share of problems. I never used tinymce so I can't compare. ckeditor is better than xinha, but it's got so many hacks for browsers it acts oddly in places. also I think somebody complained that

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-03-18 Thread Ford II
A source code management system approved by Ford -- that's a big deal I happen to like cvs a lot too. I appear to be the only one though.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-03-18 Thread Ford II
yeah I saw the code.citadel.org, that's what got me looking closer.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-03-17 Thread Ford II
hey when did you switch from svn to git? Good move. :-)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2010-09-20 Thread Ford II
Ok. I'm trying to get a Hackintosh running under VMware but so far I am having some trouble. and you will continue to for a very very long time. I found one exactly ONE image that worked, and it was an exsiting install, you can't install it yourself. And the downside is, it's

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2009-04-10 Thread Ford II
You know what you need? A button on the citadel download page, that says click here to download. It's got all the information you want, but no easy to find button.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2009-01-21 Thread Ford II
Hey, at the risk of becoming something you dont want to be, ever think of adding a status or mood or any of that crap?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2009-01-21 Thread Ford II
I can't believe anybody uses ie 5. I have it because it comes on the w2k install which I've been doing a lot of lately, and NOTHING works on ie5.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-12-29 Thread Ford II
(sorry, I just take every chance I get to knock svn)

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 6880

2008-12-28 Thread Ford II
Did I just hear somebody actually agree with me about how stupid subversion (And all the people who try and tell me it's better) is/are?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-12-11 Thread Ford II
Dec 11 2008 4:00pm from CmdrTaco in Slashdot Subject: Best Open Source Alternatives To Enterprise Apps PeekAB00 writes With 2009 IT budgets getting chopped down John Perez came up with this list of 25 best alternatives to enterprise applications (e.g DimDim over

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-12-10 Thread Ford II
firebug does that, no?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-11-26 Thread Ford II
yeah, that's usually what I do.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-11-26 Thread Ford II
Somebody did a blog entry on profanity in google code search, oddly nothing of mine came up.

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 6755

2008-11-21 Thread Ford II
AAAGGGHHH TIME ZONES F%$%^*%$^ING SUCK at least it's not just me.

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 6755

2008-11-21 Thread Ford II
DST really needs to be done away with. Last week I learned something interesting: While we all know there are some timezones in india that are 30 minutes off, there are areas that are 10 and 15 minutes off as well.

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 6755

2008-11-21 Thread Ford II
I assume nothing important happens there.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-17 Thread Ford II
or if you must use C++, do it right, don't do it halfway. use overloaded operators for EVERYTHING. C++ needs a way to underload operators.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-17 Thread Ford II
I was just randomly looking at some old C++ code I wrote, with the template classes, initializers and whatnot. It took me a minute or two It wasn't you, but I remember somebody (I think duane) passed a template as a template parameter. That kind of shit just really is not

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-16 Thread Ford II
I never quite got to the point where I trusted short circuit evaluation. Gotta work on that. And that's not a bad thing. In C it's still reliable, but in C++ and other too-smart-for-their-own-good languages (possibly java I forget) it can be bad because you can for example

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-16 Thread Ford II
I never liked that usage, though, becuse it places the condition after the point where it's evaluated. yeah, that's the dumbest larry wallism of them all. I imagine he got it from somewhere. I especially like it when the trailing if part is off the screen in your editor so

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-16 Thread Ford II
And also if you consider that if (ptr != null) if (memcmp(ptr, data) while 'uglier' the fact is, it will compile to the same thing, so it's not really bad except for asthetically, and that's a matter of subjectivity of the reader.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-10-09 Thread Ford II
You can probably get one of the old palm dialup programs working.. the browser is kinda lame, I would not bother with webcit.. though I do access other forums successfully with it. Bluetooth works decently. Speaking of. I was trying to look up

[Citadel Development] Re: Unicode

2008-07-21 Thread Ford II
That's too bad. it's just another vote for globalization. :-)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-05-14 Thread Ford II
I copied a download link from web stuff and put it in my browser, it said I had to be logged in, and the login page it sent me to didn't seem very branded, and it didn't actually let me log in.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-30 Thread Ford II
My thought: ssl is obviously far too complicated. :-)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-18 Thread Ford II
Does anyone *ever* use pull quoting for anything other than replying to the message they are citing? The reason this is suddenly important is because if we made this change, it would encourage the use of bona Well, my two cents, not that I'm a typical user... I make an

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-18 Thread Ford II
I can choose not to svn update, right?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-18 Thread Ford II
oh I get it. So what does the reply button do? no change? Maybe I'm missing the point, you're trying to get rid of the hold buffer?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-04 Thread Ford II
endless source of bugs if you ask me. :-)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-04-01 Thread Ford II
Just FYI: on the calendar there's no march 30 or 31 2008. I imagine you alredy know about that.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-03-20 Thread Ford II
whatever somebody did isn't working

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-01-24 Thread Ford II
I suspect the problem is that res_query isn't reentrant, and so you (shouldn't|can't) use it in a threaded application. itt most definetly is not reentrant.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-01-24 Thread Ford II
Good question. I started looking and everybody seems vague on the subject which probably means some systems have a thread safe libresolv and some don't. Sounds fishy. I suppose wrapping it in a mutex or putting requests on a queue isn't an option eh?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-01-24 Thread Ford II
nope. But it can do ipv6! :-)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2008-01-09 Thread Ford II
doesn't svn have expanding tags like cvs?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-05-08 Thread Ford II
I stopped my anti svn rant a while ago because it was irritating people, but I'm still rather violently pissed at it, it's creators and it's stupid stupid stupid design. It's got one advantage, using a database, and THAT's it. Not worth it if you ask me. While looking for the Id

[Citadel Development] Re: SVN commit log: revision 5035

2007-03-19 Thread Ford II
Original message is now attached to smtp bounces. Just a thought on that: If somebody sends you a 10 meg message (attachments, whatever) do you really wanna bounce the whole thing? I ran into that problem, and esp if it's spam you waste a lot of time and disk trying to return a

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-03-14 Thread Ford II
no, it's annoying to think about security, but we're forced to do it anyway...

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-03-08 Thread Ford II
what's a brown paper bag?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-02-26 Thread Ford II
I guess I should ask in here... does any other client than the text client use ipc_c_tcp.c? Or call serv_read?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-02-26 Thread Ford II
what's the svn url for checking out not anonymously?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-01-25 Thread Ford II
no it isn't mark crispin told me so.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2007-01-25 Thread Ford II
The protocol was finished, and I wrote a popserver implementation for it. what I did not do was finish the cliet. But I started it. Then the complaints started coming in, and I agree with some of them, the protocol needs fixing, and I never did that either. That's where it stands

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-08-14 Thread Ford II
Intersting ajax points: 1) wouldn't ANY ajax application have this problem? or is this a timing backed up thing? 2) if you made them synchronous, then it's just JAX, eh? 3) wouldn't it be neat to write an ajax library that internally queued up requets so nothing ever went out more

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-06-28 Thread Ford II
how the fuck can you possibly say anything WORKS nowadays.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread Ford II
Just thought of something, don't know why it occured to me now. Remember when that guy came along blizzarded all over everything, I made some not so pleasant comments about him and he left? I still believe I was right, but I bet he ran off somebody and gave me/us/cit developers a bad

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread Ford II
die hard cvs fan, although I see some of it's flaws I've never seen it mess up, so I'll wait till I've seen subdivision burn a few miles before I'm sold