We would like to announce the Proposal for Future Root Zone KSK Rollovers has 
been released for public comment and is available for review on the ICANN 


We have reviewed the feedback received from the community, and tailored a plan 
based upon community feedback, operational complexity, and lessons learned in 
the first KSK rollover projects which concluded recently.

From a high level perspective, the plan includes a three-year rollover 
interval, with a period of about two years in a standby state before the 
rollover and active phase of the KSK.

The three-year rollover strikes a responsible balance ensuring that procedures 
and software remain sufficiently agile to adopt new keys as they are 
commissioned, while not introducing too much operational complexity through 
overly-frequent changes to the KSK.  The standby period will allow a longer 
pre-publication and consequently allow for the new KSK’s earlier use if there 
is a need to perform an emergency rollover.

The public comment period is slated to close at the end of January. We 
encourage you to submit your feedback so we may integrate it into the final 

For those at the ICANN 66 meeting in Montreal this week, we will be presenting 
the proposal to the DNSSEC session being held later today.

Kim Davies
VP, IANA Services, ICANN
President, Public Technical Identifiers (PTI)
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