On 6/4/07, John Siracusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/3/07 5:20 PM, I?ja Ketris wrote:
> I wonder how the module decides about foreign keys over relationships.

If it's there's a real foreign key constraint in the database, the Loader
make a foreign key in the RDBO class.

How is this possible?
SQLite doesn't support foreign keys, and there is no mention of them in my
schema, which is roughly not more than

Create Table user (user Integer Primary Key Autoincrement Not Null, realname
Create Table collection (user Integer References user(user), collection
text, Primary Key (user, collection));

Maybe Convention methods are trying to guess by column names?


Iļja Ketris | iPro SIA  | +371 800 IPRO
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