Re: (ROSE)Does actor should invoke use case?

2002-07-24 Thread PaulOldfield1

(responding to hCho)

>To be a actor, I thought, the actor must be a starter or invoker
> of use case.  Am I right or wrong?

Wrong.  For each use case there must be one and only one
invoker, and the invoker is an Actor.  However there may be
any number of other Actors that react to (or passively receive
information from) the Use Case.  So, 1 proactive and 0..*
reactive Actors per Use Case.

In certain cases, e.g.  where the use case represents a scheduled
operation, it is necessary to invent an Actor, e.g. "Time", to
invoke the use case.


Paul Oldfield


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(ROSE)Does actor should invoke use case?

2002-07-23 Thread hCho

To be a actor, I thought, the actor must be a starter or 
invoker of use case.
Am I right or wrong?