On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Chris Cannam
<can...@all-day-breakfast.com> wrote:

> I had a quick try and couldn't reproduce this.  Can you try running
> Rosegarden under a debugger and asking for a stack trace?
> i.e.
> $ gdb /usr/bin/rosegarden                 (or wherever it lives)
> (gdb) run            (then use it until it crashes)
> (gdb) thread apply all bt
> and send the output of that.  It probably won't be very useful but
> might give a hint.

Hi. I started Rosegarden through gdb as you suggested. This time,
Rosegarden didn't immediately quit when I held down Shift and used the
resize tool. The Rosegarden UI remained visible but became
unresponsive. When other windows moved in front of it, Rosegarden no
longer refreshed the display and left black areas on the screen. I
forced it to quit.

Here's the output. I'm going to try removing the version that came
along with Ubuntu and install the latest Rosegarden release. I'm
surprised that Ubuntu is a major version behind here.

Thanks for your help.

Starting program: /usr/bin/rosegarden
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Setting graphics system for Qt 4.5+ to: native
Thorn - 1
System Locale: en_US
Qt translations path: /usr/share/qt4/translations
Qt translations not loaded.
RG Translation: trying to load :locale/en_US
RG Translations loaded successfully.
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-16x16"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-32x32"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-48x48"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-64x64"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-128x128"
NOTE: Found stylesheet at ":/rosegarden.qss", applying it
QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()
[New Thread 0x7fffe714e700 (LWP 5434)]
AlsaDriver::AlsaDriver [begin]
Rosegarden 10.02 - AlsaDriver [ALSA library version 1.0.22, module
version 1.0.20, kernel version 2.6.31-11-rt]
[New Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5435)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe614c700 (LWP 5436)]
PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
[/home/peter/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
[New Thread 0x7fffe5892700 (LWP 5439)]
[New Thread 0x7fffe5791700 (LWP 5440)]

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 44100Hz, buffer size = 256
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 3 JACK physical outputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out
L" to "system:playback_1"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out
R" to "system:playback_2"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 3 JACK physical inputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to
"rosegarden:record in 1 L"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to
"rosegarden:record in 1 R"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX) [ctype 
ptype 655362, cap 99]

    Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi -  initialised MIDI subsystem

Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is
probably a BUG src/base/Composition.cpp:1560
Available track ids are:
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - unnamed for device 0
Renamed 130:3 to General MIDI Device
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: device 1, action 1
WARNING: AlsaDriver::renameDevice: Cannot find device 1 in port map
audio file manager emitting fake setValue(100)
RosegardenDocument::openDocument: Successfully opened document
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
Object::connect: No such slot
Rosegarden::AudioInstrumentParameterPanel::updateAllBoxes() in
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Audio Instrument Parameter Panel')
PluginFactory::instance(ladspa): creating new LADSPAPluginFactory
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
[/home/peter/.ladspa] [/usr/local/lib/ladspa] [/usr/lib/ladspa]

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX) [ctype 
ptype 655362, cap 99]

LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::disconnect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 0
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 1
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 1000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 10000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 0
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice(0): device is a MIDI device
rosegarden: could not connect to socket
rosegarden: No such file or directory
[Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5435) exited]
[New Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5441)]
[New Thread 0x7fffd7dfb700 (LWP 5442)]
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden
at size 12, got family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family
LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden at size 12, got family
LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
Comparing current version "10.02" with latest version "11.06"
MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING:  type 4 text<h3>Newer version available</h3>
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family
LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden at size 12, got family
LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family bitstream vera serif at
size 12, got family DejaVu Serif (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family luxi serif at size 12,
got family Luxi Serif (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family fughetta at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "fughetta"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family georgia at size 12, got
family Georgia (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "inkpen2,inkpen"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 text at size 12,
got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen text at size 12,
got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family comic sans ms at size
12, got family Comic Sans MS (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family maestro at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "maestro"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "opus"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus text at size 12,
got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family petrucci at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "petrucci"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family sonata at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "sonata"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family steinberg notation at
size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "steinberg notation"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family xinfonia at size 12, got
family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "xinfonia"
[Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5441) exited]
I am here!
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::ProgressReporter::setProgress(int) in
Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is
probably a BUG src/base/Composition.cpp:1560
Available track ids are:
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - unnamed for device 0
Renamed 130:3 to General MIDI Device
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: device 1, action 1
WARNING: AlsaDriver::renameDevice: Cannot find device 1 in port map
audio file manager emitting fake setValue(100)
RosegardenDocument::openDocument: Successfully opened document
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 1000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 10000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 0
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice(0): device is a MIDI device
Warning: Composition::~Composition() with 3 observers still extant
Observers are: 0x7fffd8017590 [N10Rosegarden19SegmentParameterBoxE]
0x186e960 [N10Rosegarden17TrackParameterBoxE] 0x1b21220
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::disconnect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview for file id 1, start  0.000000000R,
end  8.081250000R, width 1010, notify 0x1f4f5e0
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview - token = 0
[New Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5443)]
AudioPreviewThread::run entering
AudioPreviewThread::process() file id 1
AudioPreviewThread::process() - return false
AudioPreviewThread::cancelPreview for token 0
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview for file id 1, start  0.000000000R,
end  8.081250000R, width 1010, notify 0x1f4f5e0
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview - token = 1
AudioPreviewThread::cancelPreview for token 1
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview for file id 1, start  0.000000000R,
end  8.081250000R, width 1010, notify 0x1f4f5e0
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview - token = 2
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 0
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 1
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
AudioPreviewThread::process() file id 1
AudioPreviewThread::process() - return false
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview for file id 1, start  0.000000000R,
end  8.081250000R, width 1010, notify 0x1f4f5e0
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview - token = 3
AudioPreviewThread::process() file id 1
AudioPreviewThread::process() - return false

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX) [ctype 
ptype 655362, cap 99]

[Thread 0x7fffd7dfb700 (LWP 5442) exited]
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
Object::connect: No such signal
Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in
CompositionModelImpl::segmentAdded: segment 0x1c37510 on track 0:
calling setTrackHeights
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview for file id 1, start -0.064062500R,
end  8.081250000R, width 1018, notify 0x1d8cc60
AudioPreviewThread::requestPreview - token = 4
AudioPreviewThread::process() file id 1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  basic_string::substr

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffe694d700 (LWP 5443)]
0x00007ffff3f3ea75 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6

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