I committed my authentication refactorings. They did not include any changes to the SunSSLTransportFactory, as it was too new for me to get comfortable with. (translation: I didn't take the time to understand it fully).

The gist of it is that setBasicAuthentication on XmlRpcClient has been deprecated. I added a setBasicAuthentication method on DefaultXmlRpcTransport and LiteXmlRpcTransport. I also made some modifications to execute(String, Vector) and executeAsync(String, Vector, AsyncCallback) so that existing users of XmlRpcClient.setBasicAuthentication aren't unpleasantly surprised.

As I mentioned in an earlier e-mail and the javadoc, the credentials passed to XmlRpcClient.setBasicAuthentication are only used in the versions of execute and executeAsync that were around in 1.1. They are discarded in all other overloads.

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

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