On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, Matthew Dawkins wrote:

The question I have for both Jeff and Per, is flattening initial rpms
packages to get these needed pieces in place before and actual chroot
install begins and super unacceptable hack?

I have no idea what a 'super unacceptable hack' is as a goal goodness metric

The goal is to build 'complete' chroots here, for later use either as an install image, or a build environment, right?

1. Make up a MANIFEST of all the packages (ir if binaries, the holding package in tour distribution of choice) that HAVE to be in the final chroot

2. Do some minimal prep of the chroot -- on items we know RPM is doing to look at ./etc/mtab ./etc/fstab ./var/lib/rpm/, a minimally populated ./etc/passwd setup, --bind mounts, etc

3. Copy the rpms (and such dependencies as are revealed in a moment) into a staging area inside the chroot ./var/spool/staging/ or such

4. foreach ELEMENT in MANIFEST, walk a
        rpm -ivh --root=(chroot)  --noscripts (ELEMENT)
and identify anything missing, re-order seqecnce to cut noise if it offends, and tweak steps 2 and 3 above

5.  When happy, re-run it
        rpm -Uvh --force --root=(chroot) (ELEMENT)

Build environments less picky than install images as to bootloader fixup; extra points for adding SElinux pass at the end of all that

As I recall, yum intentionally does not expose some of those options; differing DB environments inside and out side the chroot require a fixup of one want to execure rpm transactions inside the chroot

Automate steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 to taste. Eventualy, you'll be satisfied. There is not s single general solution, no 'one ring to rule them all' because one may or may not stub one's toes on a given sub-issue.

If that is a 'super unacceptible hack' so be it

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
Developer Communication List                        rpm-devel@rpm5.org

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